Group Projects
Basic Info 15 Proposals 60 Students 4 Students per project Some projects have special considerations 9 of the 15 were proposed by students! Correct advisor is listed on website and not on proposal Ballots due tomorrow by 5pm to Erin Fisher
#1 – Chiapas, Year II Should have a working knowledge of Spanish Implementation project – data collection already done Funding not certain but likely Public education, pilot wastewater treatment, and water quality monitoring Several Stakeholders/Clients
#2 – Non-Natives in SMMNRA Great project if interested in non-native species/conservation planning Several data sets exist – group will use existing data Management plan for non-natives Client: National Park Service
#3 - Nanotechnology Special time scale – Phase I (June), Phase II (November), then possibly Phase III (not part of the funded grant research) Structure of project different than others Full proposal already done – research to start in Spring 06 quarter! Internships Client: ICON (awarded grant to UCSB group)
#4 - Voluntary GHG Reduction Strategies Will focus on electric utility industry Look at economics and policies related to voluntary approaches Will use existing data and conduct interviews Client: ENSR International (Corporate Sponsor)
#5 – Sustainable Cattle Ranching - a Business Plan for Big Sur Region John Melack to advise in the spring; Frank Davis will advise beginning in the fall Will involve ecological studies and development of a business plan (Both CP and CEM components) Has funding: $10,000 Client: Big Sur Land Trust
#6 – Campus Climate Neutral, Year II An implementation project, although some further analysis needed Project has implications beyond UCSB Proposal has many objectives and will probably need narrowing Students will need good communication skills – lots of meetings, phone time, etc. Client: National Association of Environmental Law Societies (NAELS)
#7 – Blue Oaks Conservation Plan Some data sets exist – group will synthesize data and analyze further Will look at economic and political factors involved in blue oak preservation – not just an ecological study Client: The Nature Conservancy
#8 – Fisheries Reform Group will develop a framework to identify fisheries that are good candidates for reform (modeling exercise) Group will apply framework to 5-10 West Coast fisheries (some data gathering) Funding received: $10,000 No client
#9 – Climate Index Climate-friendly investment index: for similar example, see Dow Jones Sustainability Index: Green investing, finance, data-gathering, policy implications Client: AIG (Corporate Sponsor)
#10 – Future of Transportation in CA Also involved with CalSTEP – may provide one summer internship – see: Uses Future Scenario Planning – tool used by corporate leaders to help envision possible futures Client: Volvo (Corporate Sponsor)
#11 – Stormwater Pollution Reduction Incentives for impermeable surfaces Look at similar projects, use modeling, do an economic analysis Client: Santa Barbara Channelkeeper (local NGO)
#12 – Pharmaceuticals Recycling Advisor: Matt Kotchen (not Trish Holden) Gather baseline info and do a feasibility study Client: Community Environmental Council (local NGO)
#13 – Energy-Water Nexus Broad proposal: Will need some narrowing Advisors: Arturo Keller and Bob Wilkinson Some data exists, but will need to compile more info Significant policy analysis Develop Excel tool to use in analysis Client: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Southern CA Edison
#14 – Campus Sustainability Management System Advisors: James Frew and David Stoms This proposal is result of two merged proposals: one dealing with campus sustainability management, and one focused on campus water management The only project dealing only with sustainability (holistically) One summer internship Clients: UCSB Sustainability Team and Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration
#15 – Decision Support Tools for Ocean Management Advisor: Hunter Lenihan The only project with significant CMRM emphasis Incorporate ecological connectivities and socioeconomic considerations to existing tool Will work with several advisors from academia, nonprofit, and government groups Client: Marine Science Institute (UCSB)