Chinese Building
Today’s Topic Review last lab Links
Skeleton of a html page
Attributes supplement information an elements (tags) give to the browser -- tags tell browsers what to do -- attributes tell browsers how to do
horizon line ’s attributes (1) size (2) width (3) align
Formatting Text(1) Headers six levers … ….. …
Font --Formatting Text(2) The tag uses following attributes: –Size: can be relative (+2, -2,etc..) or absolute (1-5) –Color: for now you can make this red, blue, etc... Born: November 16, 42 BC
Control Size? Absolute size (1.. 7) …
Changing the actual Font? In that case use the face attribute Navigating the Internet
Background Color The bgcolor of the tag a summary is at
tag Causes enclosed block to be centered ……
Links Relative –Links to things on your website Absolute –Links to things not on your website Others –Things like links
Absolute Links These are the complete urls that you see in a browser address bar. Specify the absolute location of a website or a page Ex.
Relative Links Relative to what? –Relative to our current page, could be just a filename myimage.jpg –Or a directory and filename pictures/myimage.jpg –Relative to our site /myimage.jpg
Mail Link This works somewhat like a absolute link …
More about mailto link Send mail!
How do we put it on our page The Anchor tag –Has a attribute href which value is our link –Inside the Anchor block we put the text or image that we want to click. Yahoo Lab 1
Open a link in a new browser window My page
Link to a location on the same page Pagemark (bookmark) #mymark Define: … Usage: …
Link to named anchor in other pages In page one, page1.html, we have Here are … In page two, we can write ….