Popular Culture UNIT 1
Introduction We experience popular culture every day We experience the effects of popular culture every day, if we realize it or not Why do you listen to what you do? Why do use a certain speech? Why do you know where the salsa is in the store? These are questions we will attempt to answer in this first unit
Empowering? Does pop culture have the influence to empower individuals and society opinions and decisions? Does pop culture create stereotypes? If it does can pop culture have to influence to destroy negative stereotypes and replace them with positive alternatives?
Objectives This first unit is for me to grasp an understanding of what you know about pop culture and to get you thinking about the important questions Unit One consists of building the frame work of our course example, starting your Blog site. I need to get you thinking like a sociologist before I can throw you to the wolves and assign detailed and complicated articles After this first week of assignments will begin with our course readings and begin a more complex analysis of pop culture and media
Good Luck I am interested to see what first grabs your attention, what you think is important, why you think something is important, and how this influences social movements ( if it does ) I am excited I hope you are too!