MY MHCC - The Personal Tab - Paul Morris with a little help from his RTE friends NOTE: This SlideShow will progress automatically. No need to hit a key or click the mouse.
Introduction to MY MHCC - The Personal Tab - Production site now up… URL is
The Personal Tab Personal Personal Info This is the link that takes you into the Personal section which is different than Personal Info!
Personal Default Page Working with this part of the Portal will get you started on the path to a thorough understanding of what you can do in the Portal.
SideBar The SideBar is your quick and easy access to other areas. Notice that the list of portlets matches what is on your page.
Customize this page Let’s get right to it…. Click on Customize this page
Customize Default Page First thing, change the Page Name…Default Page makes it sound like you don’t know what you are doing. Don’t forget to click Save
Customize Default Page Here is a partial list of the portlets that you can add to your Personal Page (you will use this with other pages to be discussed in future PowerPoint's). Go ahead!! Rename them if you want!
Controlling the Layout Controlling the Layout comes in 2 steps. First, how many columns do you want? Just click the appropriate look.
Controlling the Layout Now you have the My Bookmarks portlet in the right-hand column and the My Calendar in the left- hand column all by itself! And DON’T FORGET TO SAVE!
The Revised Page Notice the newly saved page. Changed name, added a portlet, created a couple of links, and rearranged the columns. In the next Powerpoint session we will deal with My Calendar for both the Personal Page and the My Courses Pages.
More to come!!! Thanks to… Thanks to… Celia Carlson Celia Carlson Mary Girsch Mary Girsch Diane Peterson Diane Peterson Michael Russell Michael Russell Ted Scheinman Ted Scheinman Eric Tschuy Eric Tschuy