STAR Surprises from RHIC John G. Cramer Department of Physics University of Washington John G. Cramer Department of Physics University of Washington Colloquium UW Physics Department March 4, 2002 Colloquium UW Physics Department March 4, 2002
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer2 Part 1 About RHIC (The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) About RHIC (The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider)
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer3 Brookhaven/RHIC Overview Systems: Au + Au CM Energies: 130 GeV/A 200 GeV/A 1 st Collisions: 06/13/2000 Location: Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, NY
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer4 Booster Ring AGS Switchyard RHIC Tandem Van de Graaff The RHIC Accelerator System Blue Ring Yellow Ring
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer5 What does RHIC do? RHIC accelerates gold nuclei in two beams to about 100 Gev/nucleon each (i.e., to kinetic energies that are over 100 times their rest mass-energy) and brings these beams into a 200 GeV/nucleon collision. Four experiments, STAR, PHENIX, PHOBOS, and BRAHMS study these collisions. In the year 2000 run, RHIC operated at a collision energy of 130 Gev/nucleon. In it operated at 200 GeV/nucleon.
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer6 About the STAR Detector. ZCl Barrel EM Calorim eter Endcap Calorime ter Magn et Coils TPC Endcap & MWPC ZC al FTPCs Vertex Positio n Detect ors Central Trigger Barrel or TOF Time Projecti on Chamb er Silicon Vertex Tracker RI CH STAR is a large solenoidal detector based on a time- projection chamber. It uses a 0.5 tesla magnetic field to momentum-analyze about 2,000 charged particles per collision.
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer7 The STAR Collaboration
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer8 Run: , Event: 32, central colors ~ momentum: low high Central Au +Au Collision at s NN = 130 GeV
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer9 Part 2 RHIC Surprises
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer10 In Search of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) A QGP should have more degrees of freedom than a pion gas. Entropy should be conserved during the fireball’s evolution. Hence, look in phase space for evidence of: Large size, Long lifetime, Extended expansion……
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer11 Surprises from RHIC 1.Relativistic hydrodynamic calculations work surprisingly well, while cascade string-breaking models have problems. Near-threshold QGP behavior is not observed. The “Hydro Paradox”. 2.There is evidence for strong “quenching” of high momentum pions. QGP Absorption? 3.The ratio of the HBT radii R out /R side is ~1, while the closest model predicts 1.2, and most models predict 4 or more. In essence, all models on the market have been falsified. The “HBT Puzzle” 4.The pion phase space density is much larger than that observed at CERN or predicted by simple thermal models. A pion chemical potential ~ 50 MeV is needed to explain it. Stimulated emission of pions?
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer12 Surprise 1 Event-by-Event Elliptic Flow and Hydrodynamics
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer13 Elliptic Flow and V 2 Sensitive to initial/final conditions and equation of state (EOS) ! coordinate-space-anisotropy momentum-space-anisotropy y x pypy pxpx
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer14 Elliptic Flow and Hydrodynamics
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer15 The Hydrodynamic Paradox The system behaves as if it has reached thermodynamic equilibrium. How could there be enough time (in ~10 fm/c) for the system to come to thermal equilibrium, as relativistic hydrodynamics assumes? Quantum effects? Perhaps the multiparticle wave function collapses into a maximum entropy state => TD equilibrium. The system behaves as if it has reached thermodynamic equilibrium. How could there be enough time (in ~10 fm/c) for the system to come to thermal equilibrium, as relativistic hydrodynamics assumes? Quantum effects? Perhaps the multiparticle wave function collapses into a maximum entropy state => TD equilibrium.
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer16 Surprise 2 Pion Spectrum Measurements: Strong Absorption of 2 to 6 GeV/c Pions Pion Spectrum Measurements: Strong Absorption of 2 to 6 GeV/c Pions
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer17 Gedankenexperiments: + QGP or HG High momentum pion beam Lower momentum pions QGP High momentum pion beam Hadron gas High momentum pions (Transparent) (Opaque) Target
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer18 High-Momentum Absorption (1) Au+Au p+p Preliminary Scales approximately A 2 at high p T. (h + + h - )/2 Syst. errors from UA1 extrapolation MinBias/ UA1
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer19 High-Momentum Absorption (2) Suppression factor ~2 Systematic errors from UA1 extrapolation from 200 to 130 GeV Central/ UA1 Conclusion: Central RHIC Au+Au collisions show strong absorption of high energy pions that is not observed in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS or in less central collisions at RHIC. Smoking gun for QGP?
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer20 Surprise 3 Source Radii and Emission Duration from Bose-Einstein Interferometry
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer21 The Hanbury-Brown-Twiss Effect Neglects q Momentum dependence of source Quantum mechanics up to x and y q Final State Interactions after x and y Nonetheless q C2(q) contains shape information q True component-by-component in q For non-interacting identical bosons: S(x,p)=S(x)S(p) Coherent interference between incoherent sources!
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer22 Bertsch-Pratt Momentum Coordinates
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer23 A Bose-Einstein Correlation “Bump” This 3D histogram has been corrected for Coulomb repulsion of identical pairs and is a projection slice near q long =0. The “bump” results from Bose-Einstein statistics of identical pions (J =0 ).
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer24 Expectations: Pre-RHIC HBT Predictions “Naïve” picture (no space-momentum correlations): R out 2 = R side 2 +( pair ) 2 One step further: Hydro calculation of Rischke & Gyulassy expects R out /R side ~ 2- k t = 350 MeV. Looking for a “soft spot” Small R out /R side only for T QGP =T f (unphysical)). R out R side
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer25 Reality: STAR/RHIC HBT Measurements ~10% Central AuAu(PbPb) events y ~ 0 k T 0.17 GeV/c No significant increase in spatio-temporal size of the emitting source at RHIC. Note the ~100 GeV gap from SPS to RHIC and the gap between AGS and SPS data. Ro/Rs ~ 1
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer26 Conclusion: Transverse Size ~ Constant vs. Energy R out and R side are energy independent within error bars. Smooth energy dependence in R long No immediate indication of very different physics Fit R long to: AGS: A = /-.05 SPS: A = /-.10 RHIC: A = /-.03 A = 0 T in 1 st order T/m T calculation -- M. Lisa et al., PRL 84, 2798 (2000) R. Soltz et al., to be sub PRC C. Adler et al., PRL 87, I.G. Bearden et al., EJP C18, 317 (2000) 0 = average freeze-out time T = freezeout temperature
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer27 R O /R S : STAR and PHENIX Agree, Models Fail. Compiled by S. Johnson STAR and PHENIX agree Best hydro model does not reproduce the data
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer28 Remedies for RHIC HBT Puzzle? Problems: Ro/Rs (and implied emission duration) are too small, implying near-instantaneous emission. R l is also uncomfortably small, calling into question Bjorken “boost invariance”. Solutions?: Allow single “avalanche” freezeout: t PT =t CF =t F ? Abandon outside-in freezeout scenario? Assume some mysterious energy-loss process at hottest part of collision fireball? Abandon boost invariance?
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer29 Surprise 4 Particle Spectrum Measurements + Bose-Einstein Interferometry: Pion Phase Space Density Particle Spectrum Measurements + Bose-Einstein Interferometry: Pion Phase Space Density
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer30 2D Fit to Pion Spectrum (only) We can do a global fit of the uncorrected pion spectrum vs. centrality by: (1)Assuming that the spectrum has the form of a Bose-Einstein distribution: d 2 N/m T dm T dy=A/[Exp(E/T) –1] and (2)Assuming that A and T have a quadratic dependence on the number of participants : A(p) = A 0 +A 1 +A 2 2 T(p) = T 0 +T 1 +T 2 2 STAR Preliminary
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer31 A 3D Correlation Histogram
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer32 Pion Phase Space Density at Midrapidity The Lorentz scalar phase space density f(m T ) is the dimensionless average number of pions per 6-dimensional phase space cell Ñ 3. At midrapidity f is given by the expression: Momentum Spectrum HBT “volume” PurityJacobian Average phase space density
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer33 Momentum Volume The momentum volume can be determined in two ways: (1)Fit the correlation function with a 3D Gaussian and use the fit parameters to estimate the momentum volume v mom, (2)Direct summation of the 3D histogram channels. Method (1) is traditional, but Method (2) is less model-dependent and gives the best statistical accuracy.
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer34 from Direct Histogram Sums STAR Preliminary
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer35 Tomasik & Heinz PSD Paper The longitudinal expansion has reduced the phase space density and broken the rule that the PSD goes to a Bose-Einstein distribution when t =p t =0 (no flow). The reduction in the PSD leads to a need for a non-zero chemical potential 0 to reach high enough PSD values to match RHIC/STAR observations. Notice that there is a “sweet spot” near p T =0.1 GeV/c at which is independent of t.
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer36 T&H Fit to Pion Spectra Because the longitudinal expan- sion reduces the phase space density, a non-zero chemical potential is required to reproduce the most central data. Pion phase space density depends on and T in essentially the same way, changing the PSD strength but not its shape. However, the spectrum slope has very different dependences on and T, breaking this ambiguity. Therefore, fitting PSD and spectra together constrains the parameters. However, the lowest curves would prefer a negative -value to reproduce the spectrum slope while fitting the PSD. STAR Preliminary
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer37 T&H Fit to STAR Phase Space Density (HBT) STAR Preliminary Phase space density ~ 1 Multiparticle and laser-like stimulated emission effects?
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer38 Summary What does it all mean?
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer39 Conclusion (1) The theoretical models of RHIC physics now on the market allow the source to expand for too long, so that the theoretical predictions “outrun” the boundaries of experimental observation. Something is seriously wrong with our understanding of the dynamics of RHIC collisions.
STAR March 4, 2002 John G. Cramer40 Conclusion (2) The useful theoretical models that has served us so well at the AGS and SPS for heavy ion studies have now been overloaded with a large volume of puzzling new data from RHIC, and things are a bit up in the air. We need more theoretical help and more experi- mental data to meet the challenge of understanding what is going on in the RHIC regime. It’s a very exciting time for us STAR experimentalists!