Development of the Wastewater Collection and Treatment System in Szombathely County Town 2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 EXTENSION OF THE SEWER NETWORK IN THE WEST-TOWN
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town Signing the Financing Memorandum, tasks of the contracting Tasks of the Project Implementation The Public Procurement Procedure and its phases Implementation Financial implementation Monitoring – checking – evaluation Completion of the Project Implementation of the Project
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town Preparation Works of the Development program financed by the Cohesion Found has been completed on 4th February 05. Predictable Date of Completion was 31st December 07 for the entire Project The total cost of Euro have been covered in 60% by the Cohesion Found, in 30 % by State Budget and in 10 % by the local Municipalities TENDERING
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town PUBLIC PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES PROCEDURES TARGETING WORKS OF IMPLEMENTATION: Development of the Sewage and Rainwater Collecting System in western part of Szombathely Upgrading the technology of Sewage Treatment Plant I. Upgrading of the mechanical pre-treatment system and the Sewage Treatment system II. Construction of new Composting Plant PROCEDURES TARGETING SERVICES: Expert’s Services of tasks of „Engineer” and Technical Surveyor Providing Services of Information and Public Relations connecting to the Project Expert’s Services for the Project Implementation Unit
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town On 28th November 03 the Financing Memorandum of the Project has been signed by the European Comission On 11th February 04 the Financing Memorandum of the Project has been signed by the Republic of Hungary On 28th May 04 a Consortium Agreement has been signed by the Municipalities involved into the Development for the implementation of the Project. In this Agreement Szombathely County Town has been nominated as a Gestor. The agreement bonds the VASIVÍZ ZRt for cooperation on the course of implementation. The preparation of the Project has been completed on 4th February 05 by signing the Financing Memorandum made between Szombathely County Town and the Ministry of Environment and Water The first Service Contract of the Project has been signed on 22nd September 05 to provide Expert’s Services by the Canor International Ltd. for the tasks of „Engineer” Implementation of the Project
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town On the 9th December 05 the winner of the Public Procurement Procedure for PR Services, namely the Medius Iroda signs the Service Contract with the Beneficiary On 9th March 06 the TECHNOPLUS Környezetvédelmi Technológiai Fejlesztő Kft. contracts for Expert’s Services for the Project Implementation Unit working in the Mayor’s Office of Szombathely Picture- Ákos Senviczki : „Cleaning the Sewer”
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town On 9th March 06 the Contact for the Extension of the Sewage Collecting System in the west-town has been signed by the „Borostyánkő Konzorcium-2005” (Swietelsky Építő Kft. és a TEERAG-ASDAG AG Niederlassung Burgenland ).
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town EXTENSION OF THE SEWER NETWORK IN THE WEST-TOWN
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town On 6th April 06 with the participation of Róbert Rakics, the under secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Water, furhtermore, dr. György Ipkovich, Mayor, the solemn act of locating the foundation-tube in frame of EXTENSION WORKS OF THE SEWER NETWORK IN THE WEST-TOWN has been done at Szombathely, in the crossroads of Szent Gellért and Körmendi streets On 19th April 06 there was a Public Day held in the salon of the Trade School and Hostel of Horticulture and Land Survey. Guest’s inquiry have been satisfied with informations given by the Mayor, Tamás Horváth Site Manager ("BOROSTYÁNKŐ-2005" Konzorcium ) and Róber Krenner Head of Services of VASIVÍZ ZRt. On 6th September 06, in frame of Press Conference, in the Wedding Saloon of the City Hall dr. György Ipkovich, Mayor, András Csermely vice- Mayor, József Wagner the Head of Vasivíz ZRt., furhermore, János Takács, the Manager in charge of the "BOROSTYÁNKŐ-2005" Konzorcium – as the Contractor responsible for the running sewer-constructing Works, have informed Representatives of the local and national Media about the progress of the Project Main milestones of the Project
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town On 9th January 07 the No. 1. Amendment of the Contract „Extension of the Sewer network in west-town” has been signed. The amended Date of Completion is 18th April 07. On 12th April at 17, there was a Public Day in the first floor Conference Room, held by the Municipality of Szombathely County Town about the progress achieved in project of Development of the Wastewater Collection and Treatment System in Szombathely County Town and about the questions taking effect to the Public On 18th April 07 in the frame of „Extension of the Sewer network in west- town” Contract, the implemented facilities have been taken over On 30th May 07 sharply at 10 at the pumping station (located in the crossroads of Körmendi str. and Szent Gellért street) the celebration of taking over the facilities connecting to the Extension Works of the Sewer network in west-town was held in the presence of Representatives of the Contractor (Borostyánkő 2005 Konzorcium - Swietelsky Kft, Teerag Asdag Ag) the Representatives of the Consortium of Settlements established for the implementation of the Project, furthermore, in the presence of Representatives of the Operator Main milestones of the Project
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town Progress of the Works 1st July 06 – 31st March 07 The netto value of the Contract signed with the Borostyánkő 2005 Konzorcium was ,- EUR. Construction of the Main sewer and the sewers was completed on 31st December 06. By this time the pumping station and the underpass have been completed as well. The Taking over process has been started on 22nd March 07.
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town 1st April 07 – 30th June 07 Works of „Extension of the Sewer network in west-town” have been completed. The Taking over process was successful. Certification of Taking Over has been released by the Engineer on 18th April 07. Application for the Amendment of Water Permit has been submitted to the Authorities. The procedure of Taking Over was on 30th May 07.
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town Resulst achieved With the aim of the project a new main sewer, a pumping station and cca 6,5 km of sewer reconstruction have been implemented in the town Main sewer has been built at the Körmendi street at the lenght of approximately 1 km (1.145 m).. Streets affected by the sewer reconstruction: Győrffy, Táncsics M., Avar, Somlay A., Szent László király, Gagarin, before the Monument, Bartók B. krt. until Kenderesi str., Arany J., Tompa M., Árpád, Szinyei M. P., Szabadságharcos and Katona J. (altogether: 6503 m lenght) As the result of the Project, in rainy weather the flood does not jeopardises anymore the plots located in the west-town Picture- Borbála Pajor : „Make your choice!”
2003/HU/16/P/PE/021 – Extension of the Sewer network in west-town Source: Thank you for your kind attention!