Slide 5.1 Topic 5. Supporting programs aimed at reducing the spread of HIV among and from IDU Needle and Syringe Programs Opioid Substitution Treatment.


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Presentation transcript:

Slide 5.1 Topic 5. Supporting programs aimed at reducing the spread of HIV among and from IDU Needle and Syringe Programs Opioid Substitution Treatment

Slide 5.2 What is outreach work?

"Outreach work" is... Slide 5.3 Professionals, peers, volunteers Actively seeking out hidden populations such as IDUs Meeting people on their "own ground" where they feel safe Providing information Providing services such as basic health Referring to agencies

Why support "outreach work"? Slide 5.4 Can reach people who would not otherwise be provided with help Can reach people who would not usually come to an agency It is efficient It works

Slide 5.5 What is a Needle and Syringe Program?

Needle and Syringe Programs (NSP) Slide 5.6 Provide a range of services to Sterile injecting equipment (needles and syringes, clean sterile water, swabs,... Education and information Referral to drug treatment, medical care,.... Types Primary and secondary Stationary (including vending machines) and mobile Outreach service Reduce the spread of infections such as HIV and hepatitis C among Injecting Drug Users

Why support Needle and Syringe Programs? Slide 5.7 Research demonstrates that needle and syringe programs in Australia have prevented · 25,000 HIV infections · Hepatitis C infections over the past 10 years By 2010 they will have also prevented 4,500 AIDS deaths and saved a minimum of an estimated $2.4 billion in public health funding Source: Returns on Investment in Needle and Syringe Programs Report ANCD 2002

Slide 5.8 To help reduce the transmission of HIV facilities (such as NSP outlets) need to operate - unhindered - unimpeded - unhampered How can Police help support these programs?

Slide 5.9 Methadone is the most widely researched and commonly used substitution pharmacotherapy for people dependent on opiate substances such as heroin. It is long acting (from 24 – 36 hours) and is taken orally once a day. When administered within proper guidelines, it effectively prevents withdrawal symptoms and stops the ‘cravings’ normally experienced by people dependent on opiates. Research shows long term methadone maintenance treatment is effective in the prevention of HIV transmission by reducing risk taking behaviour that leads to the spread of HIV, specifically injecting drugs and sharing injecting equipment. (CIH Fact Sheets)

Slide 5.10 Guidelines for Police Refer to Handout

Slide 5.11 Assessment Task. What things need to be done to help Police and others ensure the success of Harm-Reduction strategies in your community? Refer to Handout

Slide 5.12 So what can Police do to help ensure that the effective strategies are 1. implemented 2. given the best chance of success? Refer to Handout