Purdue-Indiana Seed Industry Forum: Crop Production Shawn P. Conley
Research and Extension PI’s and Staff 7 Faculty Shawn P. Conley Bob Nielsen Tony Vyn Sylvie Brouder Brad Joern Dev Niyogi Jim Camberato 3 technicians 13 graduate students
Application Technology and Plant Health Promotion
Spray Canopy Penetration Growth stage at application Height in canopy (in.) R1R3R Spray coverage (%) LSD (0.05)
Row spacing by wheel track damage Row spacing (inches) Non wheel track Wheel track Non wheel vs. wheel Yield(bu/ac) P-Value P < P < P ≥ 0.05 LSD (0.05)2.3 -
Yield loss by boom width Boom widthYield loss 303.6% 452.4% 601.8% 751.4% 901.1%
Application timing by wheel track damage TimingNon wheel track Wheel track Non wheel vs. wheel Yield (bu/ac) P-value R P ≥ 0.05 R P < R P < R3+R P < R1+R3+R P < Control P ≥ 0.61 LSD (0.05)3.3 -
Implications of Aerial Application
Seed Quality and Composition Data Seed size and percent oil and protein Uniformity Seed vigor/viability Disease considerations (FLS) Late glyphosate tank-mix applications
Crop Phenology and ClimatologyCrop Phenology and Climatology High Yield Soybean SystemsHigh Yield Soybean Systems Micro-Nutrient ApplicationsMicro-Nutrient Applications
Revisit Current Recommendations Seeding rate issues Cost Herbicide technology Equipment – row spacing Seed applied technology Validation of soybean yield estimate tables
Cropping Systems Research: Some Examples Tony J. Vyn, with assistance from farmers, graduate students, technicians, and colleagues
Corn Yield Response to Tillage and Rotation, Clay Loam, West Lafayette, IN,
Long-term Tillage Effects on Soil Organic Matter ( , West Lafayette, IN) Soil Depth (in) Organic Matter (%)
Yield levels (Mg ha -1 ) c b a a b b a a c b a a Isoflavone concentrations at different seed yield levels.†
Plant to Plant Variability in Corn
Accepted Hypothesis: Delayed Seedling Emergence Shorter Plants Shorter Plants Delayed Maturity Delayed Maturity Smaller ears at harvest Smaller ears at harvest Delayed Silk Emergence Delayed Silk Emergence Uniform Ear Size in High Yield Corn
Emergence date Silking Date & Plant Height - + Individual Plant YieldIndividual Plant Yield Tentative Conclusions: Effect For consistent individual ear weights and high yields we need to make sure “No Plant Left Behind!”
Large Plot Corn Research Examples Effect of uneven plant spacing and ear size characteristics on grain yield and replant decisions Interaction between corn seeding rates and nitrogen application rates Evaluating the consequences of one-time yield monitor calibrations on estimated grain flow rates throughout the harvest season