How often do I fool myself or get fooled by others? A.Almost never B.Rarely C.More often than I’d like… D.Other This is an opinion question. Two points for any answer.
Letter to Editor, Boulder Daily Camera I became familiar with the vaccine controversy after being shocked by the number of immunizations (eight) recommended at my baby's first check-up. I would not allow this many bugs to be injected into my own body, let alone that of a 2-month-old baby. I proceeded to research the issue and learned the following: The rate of autism in the U.S. has increased from 1 in 10,000 in the late 1980s to 1 in 150 today. During this same period, the number of vaccines in the recommended childhood schedule has more than doubled… While epidemiological evidence does not support a link between vaccines and autism, toxicological and clinical evidence does. The epidemiological studies themselves are seriously flawed in many cases by, for example, cutting off the studies at age 3, before many cases of autism have been diagnosed. The Center for Disease Control (which had to be dragged kicking and screaming to ban mercury from childhood vaccines) has refused to study the vaccine-autism link. It has discounted the many testimonials from parents who believe their child's slide into autism was triggered by vaccines.... It doesn't make sense to potentially put 1 percent of children at risk of for autism to protect against illnesses like chicken pox with a percent fatality rate. It's sad that many parents have lost faith in the medical establishment and must struggle with these difficult risk-benefit decisions on their own. Even sadder is the growing number of families affected by the ongoing tragedy of the autism epidemic.
file:///C:/MyDocuments/Demos+Labs/PseudoScience+SurprisingDat a/measlesdeaths.html Pools and schools closed…
Is a drug like this tested by the government before it is sold to you? A.Yes, tested that it won’t kill you. B.Yes, tested for effectiveness. C.Tested with a control group that takes a “placebo.” D.All of the above E.No, it is not tested
Is a drug like this tested by the government before it is sold to you? A.Yes, tested that it won’t kill you. B.Yes, tested for effectiveness. C.Tested with a control group that takes a “placebo.” D.All of the above E.No, it is not tested
Is a health supplement like this tested by the government before it is sold to you? Yes, tested that it won’t kill you. Yes, tested for effectiveness. Tested with a control group that takes a “placebo.” All of the above No, it is not tested Ephedra Is Back and Legal and it's the best weight loss aid the world has ever known. 100% organic, all-natural herb that grows in China. It's been used by humans for many centuries, and is currently being used safely by millions of people. We have it in stock. Right now. We're the only company with this product in stock. You'll lose those pounds you've been fighting with, and you'll do it without being hungry, spending hours in the gym, or having any adverse side effects. Our proprietary combination of ephedra, caffeine and aspirin is optimally designed to maximize your weight loss with zero side effects. The pounds will literally fall off your body. At least 5-8 pounds per week. We Swear By It.
Is a health supplement like this tested by the government before it is sold to you? Yes, tested that it won’t kill you. Yes, tested for effectiveness. Tested with a control group that takes a “placebo.” All of the above No, it is not tested Tell how it killed a 23 year old Baltimore Orioles pitcher… Ephedra Is Back and Legal and it's the best weight loss aid the world has ever known. 100% organic, all-natural herb that grows in China. It's been used by humans for many centuries, and is currently being used safely by millions of people. We have it in stock. Right now. We're the only company with this product in stock. You'll lose those pounds you've been fighting with, and you'll do it without being hungry, spending hours in the gym, or having any adverse side effects. Our proprietary combination of ephedra, caffeine and aspirin is optimally designed to maximize your weight loss with zero side effects. The pounds will literally fall off your body. At least 5-8 pounds per week. We Swear By It.
If you become a journalist, and cover a science story, don’t be a lazy journalist. Explain the science, not the personalities. Don’t create fake controversy.
Is an issue truly controversial if 2/3 of scientists support one idea or theory, and 1/3 support another? A.Yes B.No (Opinion question. 1 pt. any answer.)
Is an issue truly controversial if 95% of scientists support one idea or theory, and 5% support another? A.Yes B.No (Opinion question. 1 pt. any answer.)
Is an issue truly controversial if 999 out of 1000 of scientists support one idea or theory, and 1 supports another? A.Yes B.No (Opinion question. 1 pt. any answer.)
Global warming is significantly affected by humans. The universe is expanding and began about 13 billion years ago. Life constantly evolves and the changes may or may not be harmful to us. Two are about 999 to 1, and one statement about 95% to 5%. AIDS; Bird flu…Maybe universe started yesterday..
What to look for in GOOD science Should be logical, based on facts and data, not just opinions. Clear references are given so that you can look up data and check that statements are accurate. Information has been published in peer reviewed (checked by other scientists before publication) journals. What is not known is identified. Contrary information is given when it exists, not just information supporting an idea or theory. If a claim is extraordinary, it demands extraordinarily strong evidence. - Carl Sagan Site is clearly and honestly identified (.edu can be good…)