Celebrating Rainy River By: Anthony Mason
Thank you to all of the Committees Beautification Committee Promotion Committee Economic Development Committee Rec Board Railroad Daze Committee Chamber of Commerce
Beautification Committee Home and Yard Contest for residents of Rainy River Cleaned up park New Garage Containers Lights for the trees Flowers planted all over town And lots more…
Promotion Committee Town Brochure Town Portfolio New idea are: Signage for Rainy River Creating a good will ambassador for the camp grounds Go to Trade shows, fairs, and more support other communities
Economic Development Advertised a crossed Canadawww.rainyriver.ca Created brochures and magnets Sent them to people that attended the Centennial to create awareness of Rainy River Contacted Peat moss companies Checked out alterative power plants – Plasco Energy Corp
Economic Development Cont. Attended meetings about the Gold Mine We are currently working on many different projects that are to early to speak of, but we are very excited with the potential of success
Rec Board Hiring of Meghan Shanks David Thompson Brigade Railroad Daze
Changing the Date July 10 – 12, New Signage New excitement and will continue through to next year Please spread the word that the Dates have been Changed!!!
Chamber of Commerce Trade Show David Thompson Brigade Rail Road Daze Needing Support!!!!
Thank you again Thanks to everyone that worked so hard for this community there has been positive changes and if we continue we will see major changes happen So Lets keep supporting our Community!!!