A UUK View of the Use of KPIs Professor Sir Ivor Crewe Universities UK 30 November, 2006
A UUK View on the Use of KPIs The sector’s view The use and history of KPIs in HE The role of governors The response of external organisations The sector’s overall performance
The use and history of KPIs in HE Jarratt (1985), Nolan (1996), Dearing (1997) HESA statistics Financial health and credit rating Estates Risk management
The role of governors Growing institutional diversity Growing Complexity Management and governance The final authority
The response of external organisations Goodhart’s law The use of KPIs by external bodies Simple is good, simplistic is bad ‘Good Practice’ and good practice
The sector’s overall performance External confidence in HE governance HE governance in UK and abroad The sector’s overall performance by international standards Global league tables Return on investment Research quality and productivity Retention rates Share of overseas market The case of international KPIs