Dramatic increases in women in prison between 1986 and 2002 More and crimes, rather than violence ◦ Women may have more to commit crimes Shorter maximum sentences than men
Characteristics of women in prison ◦ More likely to have been abused ◦ Younger, single, and economically disadvantaged ◦ More likely to be mothers ◦ Slightly older than male prisoners ◦ Weaker criminal histories ◦ Likely unemployed ◦ Custodial parents pre-incarceration
Generally they present little risk to the general public likely to recidivate when compared to men Generally have for intensive programming ◦ Such as drug treatment likely to have experience sexual abuse as a child and/or as an adult.
Lower threat of violence More laughter and more tears Many appreciate when programs are offered Groups ◦ ◦
Homosexuality tends to be consensual Gender-specific programming ◦ Higher rates of guard inmate sexual activity and abuse ◦
Estimates say 60 – 85% of incarcerated women are mothers of children under 18 ◦
Estimates say 60 – 85% of incarcerated women are mothers of children under 18 ◦ More than half never receive visits while in prison
6 – 10% are pregnant in jail/prison ◦ 77% exposed their fetuses to drugs ◦ Higher than average rates of miscarriage ◦ Shackling during birth ◦ Immediate separation from the newborns ◦ Fail to receive much in the way of prenatal care
What is needed? ◦ Parenting programs addressing children’s needs ◦ Counseling or support groups for children ◦ Frequent contact with mom during incarceration supports future reunification with children ◦ Social support