DATA INTEGRATION DEMONSTRATION QA/QC Focus Quality Assurance of Real Time Ocean Data QARTOD II Feb 28-March 2, 2005 National Federation Of Regional Associations
Demonstration Focus Nov, 2004, Regional Association workshop held at Coastal Services Center to enhance coordination, especially data integration, amongst its partners and other collaborators. One of the key outcomes of the workshop – Data Integration Demonstration (IOD II) - National display portal expanded from Interoperability Demo I. Demonstration theme should be marine conditions (wind, waves, currents, sea surface temperature, chlorophyll)
Working Groups Formed Goal Focus Metadata QA/QC Data assembly and aggregation Common Interface for Display Communication Facilitation Tijuana River Jan 2005 Water Quality
IOD II Quality Assurance & Quality Control Provide guidelines for QA/QC for the primary parameters as specified (waves, wind, surface currents, sea surface temp, chlorophyll) Build on framework as proposed by DMAC and QARTOD. Assure that any relevant QA/QC specifications are included with the metadata
Timeline By May 2 nd - (1 st Quarter) In accordance with DMAC & QARTOD, develop & publish guidelines for each parameter utilized. Work with metadata group to assure consistency & integration of QA/QC specification. 2 nd Quarter – Work with data assembly & aggregation group to assure QA/QC 3 rd Quarter – Complete QA/QC of national & regional level data products 4 th Quarter – Participate in review of final product.
What can QARTOD II do for the IOD? Define Quality Assurance Define Quality Control Define standards or “best practices” for waves & currents. Define Quality flag descriptors Any Volunteers for the QA/QC Workgroup???!