A&P Falmouth Ltd ENERGY 09 TEAM Energy saving and environmental issues at home and work PRESENTED BY Kev Maggs & Gary Palmer on behalf of the A&P Falmouth Energy Team
As you can see from this photo A&P occupies a old, large and sprawling site.
What we do at A&P Falmouth ?
Why? To date for 2008 energy is responsible for 9.05% of overhead £514,530 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth For 2009 it is projected to rise to £952,418 or 12.06% of overheads
What? A target has been set for a reduction in energy use of 10% month on month for the year 2010 against This is a combined weighted total that includes fuel oil and water as well as electricity The target has to be meaningful to enable it to be:- Measured, Monitored & Managed (3M’s) – The target is best compared against amount of work undertaken (Docking Days plus Establishment Days) Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
Yard Compressed Air System (1 compressor running 24 hrs just feeding the leaks) Fitting shop wash-up lighting (motion detecting) No 4 Pump Room Salt water & Ballast Pump c/w VSC (variable speed controller) No 2 Dock Pump room G/S pump (VSC) SOME OF THE PROJECTS
MoD Store (Old garage) Lighting Toilet Cistern Water Bags (available free from your local water authority) Employee Awareness (Posters & courses) Best ideas reward scheme (£50) Voltis smart voltage optimisation
To raise employee awareness posters where designed by a creative member of the finance department. These posters where placed around the site on notice boards. They were also printed on the back of our wage slips. This had little impact on the workforce. An employee suggestion reward scheme was also run. We had 5 responses most of which were impossible to implement without the attendance of the police. Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth Designed by Kate Pearson:
Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth Designed by Kate Pearson:
Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth The improvements we have made are having an effect. A&P Falmouth Electricity consumption for the first 4 months of 2010 was 12.5% lower than the same period for We are looking at further investment in new technology to continue this trend but there is only so much that can be achieved through improvements in infrastructure. For the Future. We need to engage all of our employees to help change the culture within the yard. If everyone turned off unneeded lighting, heating and equipment, fixed leaks in compressed air and water lines and encouraged their colleagues to do likewise it really would make a difference.
We have set up energy awareness sessions with the help of : South West TUC Green Workplaces Low Carbon Cornwall Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth And tailored them to suit A&P Falmouth
Energy Awareness Sessions
As a result of running a generic 6 hour awareness course. A more intensive 3 hour course was developed tailored specifically to A&P needs. The first two sessions were very well received by the workforce. They generated new and some novel ideas for the energy team to look into in the future. They succeeded in engaging with the workforce that will bring benefits both at home and for A&P Falmouth. Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
Some of these ideas raised were: Flushing the toilets with sea water Collecting rain water for flushing Investing in new energy efficient transformers. Washing the sky lights All in all this has been an excellent undertaking and will result in further savings for the company. As a result of a meeting with MD a further 100 employees will be put through the course by Christmas Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth