Analyzing World War I Propaganda By David Patterson
Investigative question How were propaganda techniques used to create posters to influence public opinion during World War I?
Background information At the outbreak of World War I, the United States was neutral. After nearly three years of fighting, our nation joined the war on the side of the Allies. The U. S. Government was faced with the task of gaining public support for the war effort.
Background information To that end, the Government issued posters to sway the American people to enlist, buy bonds, save food, rescue France and “can” the Kaiser.
LESSON OVERVIEW Students will view World War I propaganda posters to interpret various messages being sent to U.S. citizens, and identify the target population for each example. Students will also be introduced to various types of propaganda techniques.
LESSON OBJECTIVES Students will identify the intended audience for various World War I propaganda posters. Students will identify the persuasive messages of various World War I propaganda posters. Students will identify the type of propaganda techniques used in various World War I propaganda posters.
ACTIVITIES Student groups will examine propaganda posters from World War I to identify the target audiences and common themes. Students will then be introduced to seven propaganda techniques, and they will connect those techniques to the posters they examined at the beginning of the lesson.
ASSESSMENT Student groups will create propaganda posters demonstrating important themes from World War I and one of the seven propaganda techniques.