Public Meeting: New Taranaki Oil & Gas Exploration Stop the Drilling! pm Tuesday 22 nd March, Hempton Hall, Okato Agenda Mihi whakatau Presentation – what's going on? What can we do? Questions & discussion Mihi whakakapi
The New Fossil Fuel Frontiers Oil, Coal and Gas Expansion in Aotearoa As of December 2010 [Source: Greenpeace NZ, 2010]
The Taranaki Oil & Gas Exploration Permits c. 13 new onshore/coastal permits c. 15 new offshore permits c. 2 permit applications Total new permits cover c. 80% of our Taranaki region Companies include: Todd Energy, CUE, Kea Petroleum, Greymouth Petroleum, L&M, NZOG, AWE, Mitsui E&P, TAG Oil, Shell, Horton Oil, Origin, ROC Oil, Mosaic Oil, Mighty River Power, OMV, Green Gate and Pan Pacific Petroleum [Source:, Freeman Media, NZ 2010.]
An onshore example: 'Tohu' PEP 51149
Exploration process: 1. Desk study 2. Aerial survey – from a low-flying craft 3. Seismic survey – underground/water explosive seismic reflection survey lines for 2D & 3D mapping 4. Exploratory drilling for verification of resource - access, drilling, storage, testing, waste disposal 5. Appraisal for economic feasibilty – more of the above! Then comes the development & production... and (if not re-opened) decommissioning & rehabilitation... [Adapted from source: EtechInternational]
“15-45 pneumatic air guns emitting sound pulses of 10– 300 Hz, dB...” [Source:
Effects on marinelife: may cause pain to animals may disturb their navigation & feeding may damage their 'ears' & reproductive processes may cause strandings. potentially fatal effects to marine mammals and some other marinelife eg. crayfish and crabs. [Source:
Damage of waahi tapu & historic sites Erosion Stream damage Soil & water pollution Air pollution Light pollution It's ugly! Onshore drilling
Non-notified consents (and certificates of compliance where applicable) issued by the Taranaki Regional Council Changed: 4 February 2010 BTW Company Limited Expiry Date: 1 June 2020 Review Date: June 2008, June 2012, June 2014 Location: Brown Road, Waitara Purpose: To discharge drilling wastes [consisting of drilling cuttings and drilling fluids] from hydrocarbon exploration activities with water based muds and synthetic based muds, and oily wastes from hydrocarbon exploration and production activities, onto and into land via landfarming Change of conditions to provide for oily wastes in the discharge Granted: 30 November 2010 Greymouth Petroleum Limited Expiry Date: 1 June 2027 Review Date: June 2015, June 2021 Location: Epiha wellsite, 377 Otaraoa Road, Waitara Activity Class: Controlled Purpose: To discharge emissions to air associated with exploration activities at the Epiha wellsite, including flaring of hydrocarbons associated with well clean-up and well testing, and miscellaneous activities
May poison the groundwater we drink May poison air, soils and workers Is highly explosive Hydraulic Fracturing 'fracking'
Offshore drilling Maui Oil and Gas Rig
“[A]ccording to a new risk assessment by Maritime NZ... Taranaki is now rated the highest-risk region in New Zealand for the likelihood of a marine oil spill of up to 1000 tonnes occurring... “Already there have been spills... In 2000 Fletcher Challenge spilled up to 50 litres of condensate in the Pohokura field off Motunui, which spread along 2 km of beach. Then in 2007 an estimated 33 tonnes of oil was spilled in the Tui field off the western Taranaki coastline, and 23 tonnes came ashore along 14 km of coastline. In November last year oil spilled in the Maari field off Taranaki's south-west coast, and it washed up on Kapiti coast beaches.” [Source: Taranaki Daily News 2 Feb 2011]
Oil spills
1. Halt the work deny access to your land register waahi tapu & historic sites for protection oppose surveying and drilling challenge resource consents... So what can we do?! It's a big challenge so let's win what we can...
2. Build resistance tell others what's going on & why you don't support it organise your community to oppose the drilling find allies, share resources and co-ordinate events
3. Get smart read up on permits and environmental monitoring on govt and company websites keep up to date with newspapers, TV and radio discuss with others - work out what's really going on and how to stop it.
4. Protection do your own monitoring and sampling of soils and water demand more protection, better accountability & more community involvement under the RMA demand independent monitoring
20 th April 2011 – Global Day of Action One year since the massive BP Deep Water Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico... Join communities around Aotearoa and the world to send a signal that fossil fuel extraction's got to stop! Make your own bilboard or organise an action to show your opposition to oil and gas expansion in Taranaki.
Websites for more information: No Drilling Aotearoa – Te Tairawhiti, Te Taitokerau, Taranaki so far! Stop the Drilling in Taranaki (Facebook Group)
Public Meeting: New Taranaki Oil & Gas Exploration Stop the Drilling! pm Tuesday 22 nd March, Hempton Hall, Okato Agenda Mihi whakatau Presentation – what's going on? What can we do? Questions & discussion Mihi whakakapi