Flow and Sediment Transport Relations Constraining Environmental Conditions (Fluvial Fans)
Sandy channels Gravel channels Expanding Flow
Expanding Flow Model (bedload) Parker et al. (1998) Reduce: n = 3/2 (bedload); Terrestrial Fans (Stock et al., 2008), Experimental Fans No Dependence on g, D, or Flow Width!
Suspension-Dominated SandBedload-Dominated Sand Straight to Concave ProfilesConvexo-Concave Profiles
Bedload-Dominated Sand Straight to Concave Profiles
Bedload-Dominated Sand Experiments Vary Qw Lines are Theoretical Prediction (no tuning of parameters)
Bedload-Dominated Sand Experiments Vary Qso Lines are Theoretical Prediction (no tuning of parameters)
Suspension-Dominated Sand Convexo-Concave Profiles
Suspension-Dominated Sand Experiments Vary Qw Lines are Theoretical Prediction (no tuning of parameters)
Suspension-Dominated Sand Experiments Vary Qso Lines are Theoretical Prediction (no tuning of parameters)
Suspension-Dominated Coal Experiments Lines are Theoretical Prediction (sediment transport coefficient tuned to match lowest Qso/Qw point)