An Eclectic View of Learning Styles Brenda Stallion Barkley, Ph.D. Performance Learning Systems, Inc Lower Mountain Road New Hope, PA Web site:
GEOMETRIC SURVEY GETS THINGS DONE. This individual is even, balance, predictable; stable, simple, clean, solid. As workers, these people are highly task-oriented; more left-brained. They get things done logically, sequentially. They will not abandon a task until it is finished. Left-brained. GETS THINGS DONE COOPERATIVELY. Not quite as structured; they are team players, good at cooperating. They like stability and yet have a bit of flexibility. They believe in getting things done with people through cooperation. If you squeeze a rectangle, (s)she will call an emergency meeting. (S)he will say, “It sounds good. Let me run it by my people and get back to you.” They like all their ducks in a row. Left-brained.
GEOMETRIC SURVEY GETS THINGS DONE FAST. GET TO THE POINT. Is pointed; gets to the point; achievement oriented; independent. These are the movers and shakers. “Don’t just sit there, do something.” Some make things happen. Some wonder what happened. These people say, “Ready, fire, aim.” Left-brained. TALK. No beginning, no end. These are the accommodators, nurturers; they are nice/smooth. Data is not their thing. They are well-rounded. They just keep rolling along. They are adaptive. If you can’t fight and you can’t flee, you flow. Go with the flow. Can find way to accommodate. They believe that they never have to read as long as they can ask questions. Right-brained.
GEOMETRIC SURVEY NO PROBLEMS. Sex-crazed individuals (joke). Those individuals what want things done differently. The unique appeals to them. If you want to drive a squiggly crazy, say “We’ve always done it that way.” They are tangential thinkers. They will go off on a tangent, but they hear what is said. Right-brained.
Quick-Pick Interpretation of The Kaleidoscope Profile ® Results SENSORY STYLES Kinesthetic: Works best when able to move and do things with large muscles. Tactual: Works best when able to feel through small muscles and personal relationships. Visual: Works best when able to see, watch, read, and view. Auditory: Works best when able to hear, speak, discuss, and think out loud.
Quick-Pick Interpretation of The Kaleidoscope Profile ® Results PERCEPTUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL STYLES Concrete: Prefers to work with real objects, sounds, colors, and experiences Abstract: Prefers to work with symbols, words, numbers, and other abstractions. Global: Prefers to work with the “big picture,” large chunks, and intuitive leaps. Sequential: Prefers to work with step-by-step, orderly, logical information.
Quick-Pick Interpretation of The Kaleidoscope Profile ® Results TEMPERAMENT STYLES Intuitive Feeler: Values integrity, relationships and personal and emotional issues. Intuitive Thinker: Values competence, rational reasoning, and intellectual complexities. Sensing Judger: Values authority, organization, predictability, and usefulness. Sensing Perceiver: Values action, excitement, style, competition, and immediate responses.
Dr. Paul MacLeans’s Triune Brain Theory
Visual Mode Creating Pictures Visual Mode Recalling Pictures
Auditory Mode Creating Words Auditory Mode Remembering Words
Kinesthetic Mode Experiencing Feelings Auditory Mode Talking to Yourself
Auditory Plus Visual: Graphic Organizer
Model of the Earth INNER CORE Tough Stuff CRUSTRocks, Trees, Water LITHOSPHERE Moving Plates ASTHENOSPHERE Oozy, Asthenosphere DEEP MANTLE Hot Rocks OUTER CORE Molten Magma
S A G C Organizational Perceptual Real Apple Color Photo Abstract Painting Written Word Spoken Word Spoken Description
AS AG CG CS Organizational Continuum PerceptualContinuum Concrete Sequential part by part procedures step by step directions real world things Abstract Sequential discuss, read compute numbers sequentially and analyze verbally do things in their head Concrete Global trial/error real world in random discovery method of learning Abstract Global discuss ideas, concepts, pattern, associations play with words create metaphors
GASC Diagram The information on this diagram is set up as though you are facing someone. Right Hemisphere Global Synthesis Stories Inductive Reasoning Concrete /Images Visuals Sounds Feelings Body Movements Left Hemisphere Sequential Analysis Classification Deductive Reasoning Abstract /Symbols Written Words Spoken Words Numerals Equations
GASC — Teaching Strategies Concrete/Sequential field trips organized step-by-step, with a goal structured, hands-on materials such as models structured demonstration lessons simulations that follow the rules using step-by-step directions to complete a task using concrete materials and following directions ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Abstract/Sequential lectures, with questions and answers in a step-by step progression audiotapes and/or videotapes in a step-by- step sequence almost all textbooks presenting logical thought and constructions explaining theories through deductive reasoning programmed instruction ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
GASC — Teaching Strategies Abstract/Global open-ended think sessions group discussions allowing think time for reflections before beginning a project or assingment allowing students to make intuitive leaps using the synthesis process to allow students to get an “Aha!” optional reading assignments ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Concrete/Global optional assignments involving real things problem solving simulations open-ended, discovery-type field trips learning through trial and error and seeing real objects committee work on real projects discovery leaning ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 1 A-R B-X C-O 2ORX2ORX 3XOR3XOR
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Concrete Sequential: M&M’s™ Graph Prediction________________________________Actual__________________________ Title____________________________________________________________________
Cone of Learning We learn best through doing. Adapted from Teaching Teachers to Teach by Donald L. Griggs, © 1974, Griggs Educational Services. Adapted and reprinted by permission of the publisher, Abingdon Press. Actual Experience Field Trips Special ProjectsVisiting Visual Rooms Charts Films Chalkboard Newsprint Pictures Maps Filmstrips Flannelgraph Overhead Projector Learner has something to see. 60% of what we see Simulated Learning Centers: Home Living Research Building Art Nature Others Creative Activities: Puppets Posters Banners Murals Paintings Collages Creative Writing Role Playing Crama Pantomime Debates Simulated Games Panel Research Question and Answer Buzz Groups Learner is involved. 90% of what we do Verbal Story Lecture Records Discussion Singing Learner is listening only. We Remember: 10% of what we hear