Ajay Samant, Ph.D. Dean
Accredited by AACSB for the BBA, MBA and MACC degrees. Ranked among the best 100 business colleges by Princeton Review for the last 4 years Second largest college at UNF in terms of student enrollment (1,630 FTE in Spring 2012)
Flagship Program in International Business Flagship Program in Transportation and Logistics Outstanding programs in Financial Services (approved for CFP certification education) and in Finance (with a trading room and the student managed Osprey Fund) Outstanding programs in Accounting (BBA and MACC)
UNF ranks among the top 25 Master’s level institutions in the country for student participation in study abroad. CCB students account for about 40 per cent of them. Our strategy: Focus on core courses at UNF and give students a wide selection of high cost elective courses taught by international exchange partners. Inbound international students are placed into already existing courses.
Global MBA (Jacksonville, Poland, Germany, China) Ibero-American MBA (Jacksonville, Spain, Argentina, online) MBA Concentration in Global Entrepreneurship
Twelfth Annual International Business Research Conference. Average attendance is 65 faculty from 25 countries Four China Business Research Conferences International Business Summit: Co-sponsored by UNF, UCF, USF, UF, FSU and FIU, held six times to discuss international business topics impacting the State of Florida
214 students are enrolled in study abroad programs, ranging from faculty lead programs (116), four week “Coggin In” programs (33), Semester long programs (31), and Double Degree Programs (34) 58 International Exchange students attend UNF Raised over $750,000 in scholarships for study abroad
World Affairs Council Great Decisions Programs at Fletcher High and Ponte Vedra High and the Jacksonville Public Library Global JAX’s Going Global Program for High School Students Dr. Jeff Michelman chairs the Academy of International Business and Marketing at Ponte Vedra High School Dr. Ajay Samant serves on the Consortium Advisory Council for Georgia State University’s Center for International Business and Research
Plans to have 10 undergraduate double degree programs, the first university in Florida to do so, in France, Germany, Spain, China, Chile, UK, Australia. Increase size, quality, and visibility of the International Business Research Conference Increase external funding for scholarships Increase the level of community and business engagement
Established in May Director is Prof. Robert Frankel Logistics Information Technology Solutions Lab (LITSLAB) is one of only 10 in the nation. Manhattan Associates, Barloworld Supply Chain Software and Magaya Corporation have made substantial gifts
Intermodal Association of North America (IANA) has made a three year commitment to fund an annual Logistics and Supply Chain Management Case Competition UNF placed among the top 25 universities in terms of institutional thought leadership in the discipline UNF placed among the top 15 universities in terms of faculty scholarship in T&L
Logistics majors automatically receive professional certification (CTL) from the American Society of Transportation & Logistics. This makes UNF the only university in the State of Florida and among only 27 in the nation to be so recognized. Interactions with Professional Organizations: CSCMP, AST&L, IANA, NDTA, TCJAX, WTS
LITSLAB has received gifts of $ 1.4 million in software (of which $ 1.2 million were received over the past year) Logistics majors have received $88,000 in scholarships. In addition scholarships are supported by a $200,000 gift made in 2002
Work with regional T&L organizations to promote Jacksonville as the premier intermodal transportation center in the southeast Continue to provide the knowledge and functional skills to meet the managerial needs of the T&L industry