Christian doctrine towards the beginning of the third century 1.Timeline/ overview of major figures. 2.Heritage of Origen of Alexandria a.Origen’s brief bio. b.Towards a systematic theology. c.Three methods of biblical interpretation. d.Resurrection and Punishment.
Ignatius of Antioch Polycarp Irenaeus of Lyons Marcion; Justin 105?-165? Valentinus 130?-180? Ptolemy Clement of Alexandria ? Hippolytus Tertullian Origen 112 p. Trajan p. Decius 177 m. Vienne & Lyons 203 m. Perpetua
Origen of Alexandria ( ) Exegete & theologian Taught in Alexandrian catechetical school Later exiled to Caesarea Wrote On First Principles Developed three methods of scriptural interpretation.
Seminar According to Origen, what are disputed and undisputed parts of the apostolic tradition? What types of punishments do the souls undergo in hell?
Three methods of biblical interpretation Literal (body) Moral (soul) Allegorical (spirit)