By: Zach Silver Partner #1 Formation of the National Assembly and the Tennis Court Oath By: Zach Silver Partner #1
Why was the National Assembly Formed? The National Assembly was formed because the third estate who had more representatives than the first and second estate combined. It was also to create a constitution. The National Assembly also invited the first and second estate but they refused. In 1614 each estate had briefly met separately and checked the credentials of its own members.
Who was the National Assembly formed by? The National assembly was formed by the third estate because the king refused to support the third estate.
Major events that led up to the Tennis Court Oath? King Louis XVI prevented the delegates of the third estate from gathering at their usual chamber. The third estate came together on a nearby indoor tennis court. On June 20, 1789 the National Assembly pledged an oath that should never be disband until France got a new constitution.
Was the Tennis Court Oath upheld? The tennis court oath was not upheld, a new constitution in September of 1791 was created. This new constitution created sovereign power, which as the power to rule a nation.