Please give credit to the researchers listed on the slides Military Research Projects Master File Richard M. Satava, MD FACS Professor of Surgery University of Washington School of Medicine and Program Manager, Advanced Biomedical Technologies Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Special Assistant, Advance Medical Technologies US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command
Soldier 2000
The ultimate warrior Mike Andrews – Assist Sec Def – RD&A
Objective Force Warrior the soldier for Future Combat Systems 1 st generation
Soldier 2025 Courtesy Natick Labs, MA
Helmet Subsystem Power Subsystem Weapon Subsystem Biomedical Monitoring Subsystem Multifunctional Uniform Subsystem Soldier overall systems
E Garcia DARPA Jan, 2000
Replace the medic and surgeon LSTAT Integreated Medical Systems MEDFAST prototype - Foster Miller, Inc Prehospital care (battlefield medicine)
Courtesy Sundaresan Jayaraman, Georgia Tech and Sensatex, Inc Smart Tee-Shirt
Chip camera 3.5mm size ShellCase, Ltd, Jersusalem, Israel
3-D Modeling of the Liver Jacques Marescaux EITS, Strasbourg, France
Lifestream Technologies, Inc Post Falls, ID
Microchip for dispensing microquantities of drugs Courtesy of John Santini, MicroChips, Inc Boston, MA
* Figure reprinted by permission from Nature 397, (1999) Macmillan Magazines Ltd. John Santini, MicroChips, Inc Boston, MA
MEMS engine 100 microns in size Sandia Labs, 1997
Glucose Sensor by Francis Moussy
EEG monitor for Anesthesia Physiometrix, Inc, Billerica, MA
a comfortable garment that can be worn under normal clothing. automatically and continuously monitors over 40 physical signs. data are stored on Handspring PDA for daily upload to’s website. patients may enter their symptoms, mood, and activities on PDA and get medication alerts. The LifeShirt System Courtesy Paul Kennedy, VivoMetrics, Inc., Ojai, CA
Courtesy Tom Blackadar, Fitsense Technlogies, Boston, MA
Courtesy Sensatex Technologies, New York, NY Smart Tee-Shirt
Terrain Display on Monitor Courtesy Tom Blackadar, Fitsense Technologies, Boston, MA
The LSTAT Defibrillator Ventilator Suction Monitoring Blood Chemistry Analysis 3-Channel Fluid/Drug Infusion Data Storage and Transmission On-board Battery On-board Oxygen Accepts Off-Board Power and Oxygen Courtesy of Integreated Medical Systems, Signal Hill, CA
LSTAT Deployed at Operation Brightstar – Egypt, 2001 LSTAT Deployment – Air, Land and Sea Courtesy of Integreated Medical Systems, Signal Hill, CA LSTAT Deployed on Naval ship Tarawa
LSTAT in Battlefield Configuration Courtesy Matt Hanson, Integrated Medical Systems, Signal Hill, CA
Next Generation LSTAT – Civilian version Courtesy Matt Hanson, Integrated Medial Systems, Signal Hill, CA
Telepresence Surgery Field Trials – Courtesy of Joel Jensen, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA DEPMEDS –MASHMEDFAST from MASH
The original Tri-corder from Star Trek
When this be accomplished