Ontology and Web 3.0 Ism 158 May 13, 2010 Julian Chytrowski
Just a quick example of ontology in a web context Ontological- Of relating to the nature of being. “Rex likes bones” becomes: “ Rex likes bones ” Ontological tags like this require hierarchies like this: Content: “hi” Tags: Humans Language English Greetings Hi Becomes: ( hi )
Web Iterations We have already begun the transition between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is differentiated by the emphasis on social networking, meaning search results are increasingly determined by popularity and perceived relevance to search terms. The next Step is Web 3.0, the Semantic Web -Web 3.0 results are determined by algorithms which rate the relevance of data sets with regards to the ontological relevance of data in accordance with the search terms and their grammatical structure.
HTML5 is a big step towards Web 3.0 HTML5 is slated to be submitted to the World Wide Web Consortium this year. It’s a new standard which will likely replace current Document Oriented Modeling and XHTML standards. It won’t provide the capabilities for semantic searches alone, but it does provide the necessary framework. Proper tagging content with markup metadata in accordance with highly defined hierarchies of precision creates machine readable meaning about the content of a page. This creates a logical system under which a computer can understand a document, which improves the capability to provide relevant search result.
Benefits of Semantics Semantic search engines could dramatically improve accessibility and relevancy of data, which in turn return reduces service gap, and improves quality of service. Seeing the potential to advance the accessibility of data relevant to researchers questions, the scientific community has already begun constructing ontological services for publishing. (CISC) Other businesses are building their own ontological systems, and linking them to collaborators. There are more than two billion links today between existing systems
Threat to existing companies Companies are compelled to participate in the development of Web 3.0 technology. Participation ensures that the technology is compatible with their products, and that they will be able to continue to compete once the project begins deployment.
Difficulties Doctorow summarizes the difficulties facing Web 3.0 well in his critique, “MetaCrap” -People Lie -People are Lazy -People are Careless -Hierarchies Aren’t Neutral -Metrics Influence Results -There’s More Than One Way to Describe Something -Relevant Data Becomes Irrelevant If Not Diligently Updated
Terminology and Existing Ontological Frameworks RDF- Resource Description Framework OWL- Web Ontology Language XML- Extensible Markup Language XHTML- Extensible HyperText Markup Language DOM –Document Object Model SISC-Semantically Interlinked Scientific Communities
Sources =true&risb=21_T &format=GNBFI&sort=RELEVANCE&startDocNo=1 &resultsUrlKey=29_T &cisb=22_T &treeMax=true&treeWi dth=0&csi=7907&docNo=1 Integrated Lifecycle of IT Services in a Cloud Environment, Joshi et al