Fixed Gain Amplifier Used within the Feed Back Loop
GALI - 3 Ordered from Mini-Circuits. Surface mount package. Benefits over previous amplifier. –Higher Gain –Lower Noise Figure –Lower output return loss
Draw back with amplifier –Gain Do not know how much gain is needed GALI-3 amplifier has fixed gain Are currently searching for variable gain controlled amplifier Usability –May need variable attenuator within feed back loop –If gain is too high will use at output of VCO
Design Used S-Parameters obtained from manufacturer. –Created component with GALI-3 S-Parameters –Simulated amplifier using HPADS compared with manufacturer S-Parameter vs. Frequency graphs.
DC Biasing Network –Need DC Bias for operation –Plan to simulate on HPADS on Feb. 26, 2002 Will use biasing network provided by manufacturer. Will choose component values as per manufacturer specifications. –HPADS simulation will be used for comparison with Measured S-Parameter results.
HPADS Amplifier Design
S-Parameter Vs. Frequency
Progress Made First Week –searched for Varactor Diode Second Week –searched for fixed gain amplifier Third Week –searched for variable gain amplifier Fourth Week –Simulated GALI-3 on HPADS
Abstract This presentation contains progress made on Voltage Controlled Oscillator project. Specifications and simulations of the Distributed Amplifier simulations, Power Divider simulations, Tunable Band-Pass filter design and simulations, and Feed Back Amplifier are discussed. Progress made and problems encountered are also contained within this progress presentation.
Voltage Controlled Oscillator Using Distributed Amplifier Design.