Major Disorders
Mood Disorders Disorders in which individuals experience swings in their emotional states that are extreme and prolonged
Mood Disorders Depression Mania Bipolar
Anxiety Disorders Disorders that take several different forms, but which are all related to a generalized feeling of anxiety
Anxiety Disorders Panic Attack Phobias Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Dissociative Disorders Disorders in which there is a prolonged loss of memory or identity
Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Amnesia Dissociative Fugue Dissociative Identity Disorder (AKA- Multiple Personality Disorder, MPD)
Personality Disorders A Group of disorders regarded as long standing, inflexible, and maladaptive traits that impair social and occupational functioning, but not contact with reality
Personality Disorders Specific Personality Disorders –Paranoid –Schizoid –Schizotypal –Borderline –Histrionic Antisocial Personality
Schizophrenia Complex disorder that may be categorized as a cluster of various disorders. Individuals may experience various degrees of fragmentation in their live.
Types of Schizophrenia Type I –Characterized by positive symptoms Delusions (grandeur,persecution, control) Hallucinations Disorganized thought- behavior Type II –Characterized by negative symptoms Flat affect Avolition Alogia
Somatoform Disorders Disorders in which individuals have symptoms typically associated with physical conditions, but for which no physiological basis can be found
Somatoform Disorders Somatization Disorder Hypochondriasis Conversion Disorder