FUNDAMENTAL POINTS: At the beginning of your cycle, choose between ART and MUSIC 6 years of high school instruction 3 years of optional university Specialize yourself in a music orientated job Individual work or small group projects during the whole instruction cycle: a teacher will drive you in your studies
1st Year: Learn how to read notes and the musical scale Choose two different instruments and begin to play them, also while reading the notes One hour optional Start to sing (base elements and a bit practically)
2nd Year: Continue to play your two instruments, only reading notes Start to sing officially Start to study main music genres (rock, Classical, Rap, Jazz, Electronical music, …)
3rd Year: Specialize in only one instrument and create a little orchestra/band Continue to sing only practically* Continue to study music genres, introducing new specific ones (Blues, Soul, Reggae, Heavy Metal, …) *If you are not able to sing, you can continue to play the second Instrument
4th Year Choice: sing/play an Instrument Make a concert Learn how to compose a song - Singers: how to write lyrics - Musicians: how to write melodies Study three genres that you like most
5th Year Maintain your favourite activity from the 4th year Study of media and new media (Facebook, YouTube,…) Produce a special project working on them and create your own media channel Music - Media - Internet
6th Year (1) Communication through media (social networks, TV/radio channels, Internet,…) with other countries Connecting different cultures Keep doing your main activity (singing, playing an instrument, study genres,…) Big concert organized and made by students
6th Year (2) OPTIONAL: Start to learn about new jobs connected with music, eventually in preparation for specializing universities Sound technician, music producer, managers, orchestra director, education, musicals elements of drama, instruments builders, music historian, music critic or journalist
7th-8th-9th year: UNIVERSITY (optional) You are not forced to follow university courses after high school, but „UNIVERSITY OF MUSIC“ prepares you completely for the job chosen by you during the 6th year
ENDE THE END FINE PRODUCED BY: Fabian „Fabione“ Wilhelm; Thomas „Tommi“ Hollik; Felix „Felice“ Wolk; Giulia „Sken“ Schenetti; Giuliana „Compa“ Compagni