Overview to AS200 Course …Second Semester
2 “If we lose the war in the air, we lose the war and we lose it quickly.” - Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery “Air warfare knows no boundaries…on land and sea, other than those imposed by the radius of action of the aircraft…” - Air Marshal Arthur Tedder
3 Overview 1. Review of CFD Model - Competencies - Competencies - Functions - Functions - Doctrine - Doctrine 2. Lessons this semester 3. Complete administrative issues
4 Air and Space Power (3 Associated Terms) #1: Competencies (capabilities) Air and Space expertise, capabilities, and technical know-how distinctive to the United States Air ForceAir and Space expertise, capabilities, and technical know-how distinctive to the United States Air Force Air and Space Superiority Air and Space Superiority Precision Engagement Precision Engagement Information Superiority Information Superiority Global Attack Global Attack Rapid Global Mobility Rapid Global Mobility Agile Combat Support Agile Combat Support
5 Air and Space Power #2: Functions (missions) Broad, fundamental, and continuing activities of air and space power not unique to the Air ForceBroad, fundamental, and continuing activities of air and space power not unique to the Air Force CounterairCounterspaceCounterlandCounterseaCounterinformation Strategic Attack Combat Search Navigation Air Refueling Spacelift Special Ops IntelligenceSurveillanceReconnaissanceAirlift Weather Services Command & Control
6 Air and Space Power #3: Doctrine A belief in the best way to implement/use air and space power Based on:Based on: History History Technology Technology Leaders, etc. Leaders, etc. Provides GuidanceProvides Guidance Must NOT stagnateMust NOT stagnate
7 Informal Lecture 1. Lessons this semester: - Vietnam - Vietnam - Midterm - Midterm - Rebuilding for Space - Rebuilding for Space - Desert Storm - Desert Storm - Air and Space Power Review - Air and Space Power Review - Final Exam - Final Exam - 3 Communications Skills Lessons - 3 Communications Skills Lessons
8 Informal Lecture 1. What are the competencies after Korea? What do you foresee in Vietnam?
9 Informal Lecture 2. What are the functions after Korea? What do you foresee in Vietnam?
10 Informal Lecture 3. What is the doctrine after Korea? What do you foresee in Vietnam?
11 Summary 1. Review of CFD Model - Competencies - Functions - Doctrine 2. Lessons this semester 3. Completed administrative issues
12 “With us air people, the future of our nation is indissolubly bound up in the development of air power!” - Brigadier General Billy Mitchell