Pacific North West Honeynet Project Dave Dittrich The Information School University of Washington DIMACS Large Scale Attack Workshop, Sept. 23, 2003
Research areas Prototyping a distributed honeynet using GenII “Honeywall” technologies SU grad students producing database for clean/compromised system images Developing a client/server in FIRE for loading these images onto systems over the network Developing host integrity checking functions in FIRE to simplify/semi-automate analysis Aim to isolate malware artifacts for reverse engineering Aim to study cross-sector activity and trends
Honeynet Research Alliance Pacific North West Honeynet Project Open to UW, SU, ISU, UI students/fac/staff Provides Lots of hands/eyes to install, monitor, test… Network diversity Honeypot diversity Increased chances of “interesting” activity
Honeynet Research Alliance Locations: UW, SU, ISU, UI networks Future: Extend to REN ISAC?
Honeynets Using new GenII “Honeywall CD-ROM” x86 compatible PC with three NICs >= 20GB hard drive >= 512MB RAM One or more honeypots per honeynet Initially independent, later will centralize logs
Data Control
Is it perfect? …No
Honeypots Preparation Entire drive written with zeros (no residue) Partitions as small as possible (minimize footprint in database and network transfer time) partitions on each drive Operating System “live” partition Image copy of OS (not mounted) Swap partition (if OS requires one) MD5 hash both OS partitions before going “live” (to verify integrity) MD5 hash all blocks (to find changes faster) [Automate using database & client/server]
Database Index on useful attributes OS type (e.g., Windows, Linux) OS version (e.g., Win2k, RH7.2) Services enabled Partitions used Partition sizes MD5/SHA1 hashes of partitions MD5/SHA1 hashes of blocks on OS partition Status (e.g., Clean, Compromised) Etc…
Front end Runs on custom FIRE CD User interface to database Client/server to manage bits on disk Upload bits on disk to database Hash partitions/blocks, gather attributes, etc. Chose image, prep drive, load Chose image, compare with bits on disk (detect changes since install) Potential for hardware assist (or NG-TCB?)
Use in Forensic Course Lab Student boots lab system using custom FIRE CD Chooses which compromised system to analyze Bits loaded to disk, verified Student performs analysis, answers specific questions (which are compared with analysis in database) Repeat…
Resources “The Use of Honeynets to Detect Exploited Systems Across Large Enterprise Networks” honeynet.pdf honeynet.pdf