Cooperation, Learning and Project Planning (SLP): MM8
Agenda Experiences from PA’s: SLP P2 plans Group meeting effectiveness Group communication Delegation of tasks Group member ”roles”
Group Meeting Effectiveness Make an agenda prior to meeting; encourage input from all (prior to meeting) Have a set time for the meeting; stick to it! Be open and positive Listen actively Speak one at a time Adhere to time limits (appoint a time keeper) Briefly summarize main points to ensure “all on same channel” Build on each others ideas Remain focused: avoid sidetracks No such thing as a stupid question or a bad idea Take meeting minutes (appoint a “secretary”) End meeting on time; schedule new meeting if needed
Group Communication To make open discussions more effective: role of the ”moderator”: What are we discussing now? What are we going to continue discussing? How can we do that? What is the expected/desired result?
Group decision-making Divide discussions into 4 phases: 1.Recognize ideas, viewpoints, suggestions 2.Explain,explore, argue points 3.Discuss, develop shared understanding 4.Take positions, make decisions
To clarify, explain suggestions What is the basis for the suggestion/idea? What are the pros and cons? What does the suggestion involve, in concrete terms (actions)? What are the opportunities and limitations of the suggestion? Group members: Be actively involved; show interest! Write results down so they are visible to the group! Retain a copy of the written process, ESPECIALLY if the suggestion isn’t accepted!
Active listening Let the speaker speak Maintain eye contact with the speaker Contribute to the speaker’s suggestions Keep your own thoughts to yourself Ask relevant questions Show understanding and respect for the speaker’s ideas/opinions
”Round the table” Discussion Everyone in the group speaks out as to his/her position Never interupt, criticize, or comment when someone is speaking Be as honest and open as possible Ask questions to clarify other’s statements and to support their ideas Wait to analyze, evaluate, and make conclusions until last
Communication Hints Use ”thought sketching” techique: stop ½ way through a discussion, all silenty write what they are thinking for 5 minutes, hold a round-the-table discussion. Don’t discuss without first writing! Visualize the project and time plans or better yet…hang them on the wall and take time to LOOK at them! Use a project logbook/journal for notetaking—review previous meeting minutes to eliminate repeated discussions, learn from past experiences, etc.
Division of tasks/duties Objective: Fair distribution, working towards shared goal, all learn from doing 1.Shift larger tasks between group members 2.Discuss subgroup work regularly; task owner summarizes/formulates questions to group (preferably prior to group discussion) 3.Begin all discussions/reports on subgroup tasks with relationship to project area and problem formulation 4.Update project/time/activity plans accurately and regularly
Group work How will your group delegate tasks? What criteria will be used to delegate tasks? How will the group manage the coordination of the subgroup tasks? In what ways can the group ensure that all are ”on the same channel” and that the subgroup tasks stay ”on the right track”? Discuss and write down CONCRETE actions the group will take during P2.
Group Work Each person takes 5-10 minutes to think about and then write down: His/her own stronger points His/her own weaker points How he/she believes these influence (+/-) the group and the project work Which specific behaviors will be developed during P2 (and HOW) Each person shares with the group ; constructive feedback should be welcomed!