Barriers to motivating students… • Lack of intrinsic motivation Source of motivation varies Activities not fun enough • Presence of extrinsic motivation Focuses on behavior, not on learning Students de-value activity in time • Teaching practices ART159/bzp012/ Poor time management Low enthusiasm …removing the barriers
Barriers to motivating students… • Curriculum Boring due to lack of variety Little student input • Administration Limited knowledge about PE PE held in low regard • School setting ART159/bzp012/ Limited equipment and facilities Some equipment unused …removing the barriers
…without standing on your head Motivating students… Teacher Behavior: Speak with enthusiasm Incorporate humor Participate periodically Reinforce student performance Encourage attributions to effort Emphasize instability of performance over time feboverb/febrollb.htm …without standing on your head
…without standing on your head Motivating students… Curriculum: Relate activity to student’s lives, i.e. current events, rationale for activity Accommodate student goal orientations Attend to individual differences through intra-task variations Have students set process goals feboverb/febrollb.htm …without standing on your head
Student Goal Orientations EGO TASK MEASURE OF ACHIEVEMENT High ability relative to others Perform task as well as possible MAIN CAUSE OF OUTCOMES Ability Effort CYCLE 1 High perceived ability Take many risks Frequent success Continue participating CYCLE 2 Low perceived ability Take few risks Infrequent success Avoid participating Take risks with more effort