Software and Software Vulnerabilities. Synopsis Array overflows Stack overflows String problems Pointer clobbering. Dynamic memory management Integer.


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Presentation transcript:

Software and Software Vulnerabilities

Synopsis Array overflows Stack overflows String problems Pointer clobbering. Dynamic memory management Integer arithmetic problems Formatted Output Output File I/O Others (the taxonomy)

Arrays Array are data groupings; they are numbered sequentially. The programmer refers to them through a number (constant) or a variable (datum). The trouble is, sometimes the data doesn't have the value you expect..

Array overflows If you are referencing an array, are outside the array, and are modifying the array, you are really modifying something else: among the possibilities are:  Other data,  Instructions,  pointers

Stack overflows A stack is a special kind of array in that it is implemented in an array; the problem may be because you tro to store too much data in the stack.

Strings Strings are sequences of characters. They are either terminated by a special character (common) or their length is indicated somewhere (less common).

String problems String termination Off-by-one errors Buffer and input overflows Code injection Arc injection


Pointer clobbering.

Dynamic memory management

Integer arithmetic problems

Formatted Output Output

File I/O

Others (the taxonomy)