To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Resources Click on one of the following icons to go to that resource. Image Bank Foldables Video Clips and Animations Standardized Test Practice Chapter Review Questions Chapter Summary
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To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Boat on horizon
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Earth
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Earth’s Axis
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Earth’s Properties
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Earth’s Magnetic Field
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Tilted Axis
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Solstices
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Moon’s Orbit
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Waxing Crescent
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank First Quarter
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Full Moon
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Waning Gibbous
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Waning Crescent
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Solar Eclipse
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Solar Eclipse
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Lunar Eclipse
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Lunar Eclipse
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Moon
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Inside the Moon
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Moon’s Origin
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Impact Basin
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Crust Thickness
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Lunar Prospector
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Time Line
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Earth and Moon All on Earth can see and feel the movements of Earth and the Moon as they circle the Sun. Make the following Foldable to organize what you learn about these movements and their effects.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Fold paper down 2.5 cm from the top. (Hint: From the tip of your index finger to your middle knuckle is about 2.5 cm.)
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Open and draw lines along the 2.5-cm fold. Label as shown.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables As you read the chapter, summarize the movements of Earth and the Moon in the left column and the effects of these movements in the right column. Summarize in a Table
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Video Clips
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 1 1 Earth is spherical and bulges slightly at its equator. Earth Earth rotates once per day and orbits the Sun in a little more than 365 days. Reviewing Main Ideas
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 1 1 Earth has a magnetic field. Earth Seasons on Earth are caused by the tilt of Earth’s axis as it orbits the Sun. Reviewing Main Ideas
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 2 2 Earth’s Moon goes through phases that depend on the relative positions of the Sun, the Moon, and Earth. The Moon—Earth’s Satellite Eclipses occur when Earth or the Moon temporarily blocks sunlight from reaching the other. Reviewing Main Ideas
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 2 2 The Moon’s maria are the result of ancient lava flows. Craters on the Moon’s surface formed from impacts with meteorites, asteroids, and comets. The Moon—Earth’s Satellite Reviewing Main Ideas
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 3 3 The Clementine spacecraft took detailed photographs of the Moon’s surface and collected data indicating the presence of water in deep craters. Exploring Earth’s Moon NASA’s Lunar Prospector spacecraft found additional evidence of ice. Reviewing Main Ideas
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 1 The occurrence of day and night on Earth is due to Earth’s__________. A. 23.5º tilt on its axis B. orbit C. revolution around the Sun D. rotation on its axis PS 1.1h
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is D. One complete rotation takes about 24 hours.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 2 A(n) _________ is an elongated, closed curve. A. circle B. ellipse C. orbit D. sphere PS 1.1c
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is B. Earth’s orbit is an ellipse.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 3 A compass needle pointing north is evidence of __________. A. a solar eclipse B. a lunar eclipse C. Earth’s magnetic field D. radiation from the Sun PS 1.1d
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is C. A compass needle points to Earth’s magnetic north pole.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 4 A(n) __________ occurs when the Sun is directly above Earth’s equator. A. eclipse B. equinox C. full moon D. solstice PS 1.1e
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is B. The solstice is the day when the Sun reaches its greatest distance north or south of the equator.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 5 After a full moon, the phases are __________. A. cresting B. peaking C. waning D. waxing PS 1.1g
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is C. As the phases are waning, less of the Moon’s illuminated half is visible each night.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 1 Which of these measurements of Earth is greatest? PS 1.1j
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice A. Circumference (equator) B. Circumference (poles) C. Diameter (equator) D. Diameter (pole to pole) PS 1.1j
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is A. Earth’s circumference at the equator is greater than at the poles.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 2 Which represents the North magnetic pole? A. A B. B C. C D. D PS 1.1i
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is A. Earth’s magnetic axis is inclined at an angle of 11.5º to the rotational axis, labeled “B” in this diagram.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 3 Earth is a satellite of __________. A. Jupiter B. Mars C. the Moon D. the Sun PS 1.1c
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is D. The Moon is Earth’s satellite; Earth is a satellite of the Sun.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 4 What event does this diagram depict? PS 1.1e
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice A. Deep Impact B. lunar eclipse C. solar eclipse D. transit of Venus PS 1.1e
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is C. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves directly between the Sun and Earth and casts its shadow over part of Earth. Deep Impact is a planned mission to rendezvous a spacecraft with a comet.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 5 What is the area shown by B? PS 1.1e
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice A. area of partial eclipse B. area of total eclipse C. penumbra D. umbra PS 1.1e
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is D. The umbra is the darkest portion of the Moon’s shadow.
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