John Lowry RS/GIS Laboratory College of Natural Resources Utah State University Resource Management Tools & Geospatial Conference, Phoenix, AZ April 18-22, 2005 An Overview of the the Southwest Regional GAP Land Cover Dataset Photo: M. Ducharme Photo: D. Stoner
Presentation Objectives Brief introduction to GAP analysis and overview of land cover mapping methods for SWReGAP Discussion of Map Quality Assessment Demonstration of data resources at:
GAP Analysis “GAP is a scientific method for identifying the degree to which native animal species and plan communities are represented in our present-day net-work of conservation lands.” Keep Common Species Common
SWReGAP Regional Coordination & Participants
Division of Mapping Responsibilities 25 Mapping Zones Eco-regionally and spectrally distinct 2 km buffer (4 km overlap) Management unit for data preparation, sample data collection and modelling Effective for dividing up the 560,000 sq mile region
Land Cover Mapping Data source: Landsat 7 ETM+ ( ) 30 m digital elevation model 87 scenes * 3 seasons (Spr, Sum, Fall) Field Data: ~80,000 field samples (2001 – 2003) Fall Brightness Summer NDVI Elevation Landform Etc…. Input for See5 SAMPLE SITES Mapping Method: Decision tree classifier - See5 (USGS EROS Data Center) Recursively “splits” the predictor data into prediction rules (decision tree) Identifies complex relationships between multiple independent variables to predict a single categorical class
Land Cover Mapping Ecological Systems = Groups of plant communities and sparsely vegetated habitats identified by dominant species and unified by similar ecological processes, substrates, and/or environmental gradients Classification Scheme: National Vegetation Classification System (NatureServe) 125 Land cover classes 109 Ecological Systems 1-acre min. mapping unit Photo: J. Lowry
UT-GAP SWReGAP Land Cover Mapping BARREN IMB Cliff and Canyon CP Mixed Bedrock Canyon & Tableland IMB Playa IMB Volcanic Rock and Cinder Land RM Alpine Fell-Field IMB Active & Stabilized Dune Inter-Mountain Basins Subalpine Limber-Bristlecone Pine Woodland Region Environmental Setting Dominant Specie(s) Lifeform Photo: L. Langs
Land Cover Mapping Quantitative: Internal validation using 20% withheld data Qualitative: Written assessments provided by land cover analysts Mapping zone by Mapping zone Map Product Assessment: Some classes are more similar to one another than others Provide map users with information about frequency, magnitude and type of map error Therefore: Objective: Fuzzy Set Assessment: Recognize: (grassland - shrub-steppe - shrubland) Thematic mapping involves placing a continuum of land cover into discrete land cover classes
Mapped Classes Reference (20% Validation Data) Confusion (Error) Matrix
Mapped Classes Reference (20% Validation Data) Confusion (Error) Matrix
Mapped Classes Confusion (Error) Matrix Reference (20% Validation Data)
Major Types of Ecological Similarity Relative Similarity Scores Fuzzy Set Assessment of Map Error Re-examine error matrix within the context of ecological similarity between classes Objectives: Increase overall understanding of map error (i.e. source, magnitude, and freq.) Broaden description of land cover classes (more appropriate for WHR)
Re-evaluated Error Matrix after Fuzzy script
Accuracies Using Fuzzy Set Assessment
SWReGAP Land Cover website Search on “swregap landcover”
Summary Perspective that a regional project has merit (compromises are made at local scale) Make data readily accessible to the public (current technologies make this feasible) Provide as much information to map users as possible Develop mechanisms whereby these maps can be improved (in sections)
Thank you !