( we will not cover media or schooling) Peer Relationships ( we will not cover media or schooling)
Development of Peer Sociability Infant and toddler beginnings Preschool years Nonsocial activity Parallel play Associative play Cooperative play
Development of Peer Sociability Middle childhood and adolescence Rough-and-tumble play Dominance hierarchy
Influences on Peer Sociability Direct parental influences Indirect parental influences Age mix of children Cultural values
Friendship Friendship Close relationship involving companionship and wanting to be with friend
Friendship Level 1: Friendship as a handy playmate About 4 to 7 years Level 2: Friendship as mutual trust and assistance About 8 to 10 years Level 3: Friendship as intimacy and loyalty 11 to 15 years+
Friendship Characteristics of friendships Friendship selectivity and stability Interaction between friends Resemblance between friends Sex differences in friendships
Friendship Friendship and adjustment Opportunities to explore the self and develop understanding of another Foundation for future intimate relationships Support in dealing with stress Attitudes toward school
Peer Acceptance Sociometric techniques Popular children Rejected children Controversial children Neglected children
Origins of Acceptance Popular children Rejected children Popular-prosocial children Popular-antisocial children Rejected children Rejected-aggressive children Rejected-withdrawn children Controversial children Neglected children
Peer Groups First peer groups Cliques Crowds
Peer Relations and Socialization Peer reinforcement and modeling Peer conformity