Marc Nemanic x 204 or
Act as an intermediary for public and private investment that benefits the local economy; Improve social, economic, and employment through partnerships with public, private, and non-profit organizations; and, Implement a long-term strategy that addresses identified community needs
Federally-Designated Economic Development District 501 (c) (3) Charitable Tax Exempt Corporation Certified State Community Development Financing Institution (CDFI) Licensed California Finance Lender Technical Advisor/Project Manager
Lend capital Mentor micro-businesses (<5 employees) Understand unmet needs Develop relationships with funding agencies Complete an economic development strategy and related priority investments Pursue available funding for these priority investments Obtain and manage these investment on behalf of our member cities and counties
Federally Designated Economic Development District (EDD) 378 Nationally 5 California Service Region = Butte, Glenn & Tehama County and the incorporated cities 3 Counties 9 Cities $30,198,262 funded projects
Capital Access Analysis (Chico, Butte) $45,000* Wastewater Drainage study (Palermo) $35,000 Industrial Park Planning strategy (Oroville) $35,000 Alternative Power Generation plan (Oroville) $35,000 Downtown Visual Master plan (Biggs) $35,000* Green Technology Feasibility study (Glenn) $50,000* Micro-enterprise mentoring program (Butte, Orland, $300,000, $100,000, and $150,000)* Infrastructure Development $2.5 million (Chico) Façade Improvement Loan program (Red Bluff, Orland => available funding at $150,000)* Housing Element (Orland, Willows, Corning) $105,000 Energy Neutral Affordable Home Project (Glenn County) $165,000* Capital Access Program (Chico) $500,000* Total investments = $4,055,000 * under 3CORE management = $1,495,000
Private tax deductible charitable contributions authorized $291,450 contributed Raised $2.65 million private capital investments as a certified CDFI
Exclusive access to 20% state tax credit for eligible private investments Obtained $2.65 million in private loan capital since 2002 CDFI & 501 (c) (3) assets provide preference in attracting private capital or investments targeting identified business capital access needs
Manage 14 loan funds with $5.0 million capital base $3.25 million current active loan portfolio with $450,000 work-in-progress loans -$12,890,109 loans closed -average 4:1 leverage of private investment
The fear of loss will trump the desire to maximum profits for traditional banks; Local government will face daunting financial pressures; Consolidation of small governmental units is likely; Social improvements and economic development investments will increasingly be sponsored by social angel investors