APAN network infrastructure and beyond Markus Buchhorn, ACSys CRC and many others...
APAN = Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Australia, Korea, Japan, Singapore Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, China,Vietnam, Taiwan, India, Russia... APAN High-speed (100Mb/s) ATM link, Japan-U.S.: TransPAC (via STARTAP) APAN/TransPAC peers with U.S.: vBNS and Abilene/Internet2, Canada: CA*Net 3; Europe: NORDUnet (Scandinavia), SURFnet (NL), IUCC (IL) Special U.S. networks: NREN, NISN, ESNet, ...
Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Europe South Korea Japan China Hong Kong Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Australia Philippines TransPAC North America Latin America Australia-Japan Link Thailand Exchange Point Access Point Current Status Planned (2000)
SingAREN Network Configuration Abilene 2.4 Gbps Singapore ONE CA*net II Europe 1-NET SWITCHING NETWORK Broadband Access Node 45Mbps Central Office/ Broadband Access Node vBNS 155Mbps Japan 155Mbps 622Mbps 70Mbps Korea STARTAP 2Mbps 155/622Mbps 14 Mbps 2Mbps Offices Polys 2 Mbps ADSL Network Service Providers Cable Modem Network Technology Centre Malaysia 155Mbps 155Mbps Univ Homes/ Schools R&D Partners Homes/ Schools
SingAREN’s International Connectivity Abilene Europe 45Mbps CA*net II vBNS 155Mbps 2.4 Gbps 155Mbps TAnet/I2 Taiwan NORDUnet SURFnet 2Mbps 70 Mbps Korea STARTAP Japan 14 Mbps 2Mbps 2Mbps 2 Mbps Israel Malaysia
Japan: Nine R&E Networks Nation-wide SINET (NACSIS, Ministry of Education) IMnet (JST, Science and Tech Agency) WIDE (Keio Univ. and sponsors) Regional TIA, CSI, KARRN, ORIONS, TRAIN Mission oriented MAFFIN
SINET Science Information Network SINET has 634 domain names. Operated by NACSIS (MOE) National Center for Science Information Systems Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture Topics SINET-ThaiSarn Link (Oct '95) line with the U.K. opened (Nov '96) line with U.S.A. 45Mbps (Oct '97) line with U.S.A. 150Mbps (Oct '98)
http://www.sinet.ad.jp/ SINET Map
IMnet Network Configuration (Outline) http://www.imnet.ad.jp/index-e.html
Regional R&E Networks TIA (12) Tohoku TRAIN (39) Tokyo ORIONS (86) Osaka CSI (35) Chugoku-Shikoku KARRN (5) Kyushu
JGN Japan Gigabit Network http://www.tao.go.jp/JGN/
AARNet PVP Backbone Darwin Brisbane Adelaide Perth Canberra Sydney Melbourne Hobart 21
current on-net PVPs PCR vbr-nrt SCR:PCR 1:3 as at 13 July 1999 Darwin AARNet Backbone current on-net PVPs PCR vbr-nrt SCR:PCR 1:3 as at 13 July 1999 Darwin 1M Brisbane 16M 22M 10M 15M 13M Sydney 21M 8M 17M Perth 25M 6M Canberra 7M 6M 10M 6M Melbourne 18M Adelaide 2M Hobart 21
current off-net international PVPs as at 13 July 1999 AARNet Backbone current off-net international PVPs as at 13 July 1999 Brisbane Darwin KDD 28M 1M C&WUK Sydney AT&T 40M HKT International Gateway 12M Perth 12M LA Canberra 8M 28M 2M SF Melbourne Adelaide Hobart 21
current off-net national PVP as at 13 July 1999 AARNet Backbone current off-net national PVP as at 13 July 1999 Brisbane Darwin 8M 1M Telstra Sydney 16M Telstra Sydney National Gateway Melbourne National Gateway Perth 8M 4M Canberra 4M 16M Adelaide 1M Melbourne Hobart 21
KOREN (KORea Experimental Network) KOREN Consists of Domestic Advanced Network Test Group APAN-KR(Mirinae) APII (Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure) KOREN Participants (Total 39 Members) 22 Universities 7 Research Institutions 10 Private Companies From KT Teleco. Lab.
APAN-KR Topology
GigaPoP Functions (II) Bandwidth Site to GigaPoP : 155 Mbps Inter-GigaPoP : 622 Mbps Connections(Site to GigaPoP & Inter-GigaPoP) ATM PVC From KT TNL
Current Status of MY-JP APAN Link . MEASAT II KEIO 2x2Mbps . 2x2Mbps APAN Terrestrial Link (Fiber) USM . PENANG . NTT MSC CYBERJAYA TEMASEK (APAN-SG EXCHANGE POINT)
Coming Status of MY-JP AI3/APAN Link . . JCSAT3 2x2Mbps KEIO Satellite Link TOKYO 2x2Mbps (APAN- JP EXCHANGE POINT) . 192K CBR (ATM) Terrestrial Link . USM PENANG NTT MSC CYBERJAYA
. . Academic and R&D Network in Malaysia ( TEMAN ) JCSAT3 MY-JP APAN Satellite Link . . KEIO TOKYO Uni. Sains M’sia Penang CELCOM MY-JP APAN Terrestrial Link MIMOS Uni. Malaya Uvi. Putra M’sia Uvi. Sarawak M’sia Kuala Lumpur Uvi. Kebangsaan M’sia Cyberjaya Melaka NTT MSC Johor Uni. Telecom M’sia TEMAN Network (155M ATM) ( Dec. 1999) Planed TEMAN Network 128K ISDN line ( Oct. 1999) Leased Line ( proposed)
CA*net 3 National Optical Network GigaPOP RAN WURCnet SRnet MRnet OC3 DS3 OC12 BCnet ACORN St. John’s OC3 Calgary Regina Winnipeg RISQ Charlottetown ONet OC48 Fredericton OC12 Teleglobe Montreal Halifax Vancouver Ottawa STAR TAP Toronto Chicago 10 10 9 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
National IP/WDM Network Edmonton Saskatoon Additional OC-192 WDM Routes for future use 4/BLSR Winnipeg Ottawa Calgary Regina Montreal Charlettown 4/BLSR Vancouver St. John’s 4/BLSR Fredericton Teleglobe Toronto - CANARIE Drop Site Chicago Halifax 8 Wavelengths per route 4 reserved for traditional SONET 4/BLSR by carrier CANARIE OC-192 Route CANARIE OC-48 Route
Who Else ? US: Europe: China: Abilene, vBNS, ESNet, NREN, NISN, … NORDUNet, SURFNet, TEN-155, IUCC,… China: CTSNet, CERNet Central and South America Africa ?
APAN SDI Applications Agriculture is huge Earth Monitoring for Crisis Management Delivery of raw and value-add products, DMSP GMS-5 more to come