ECE 491 Meeting PVD Synthesis and electrical characterization of « ECE 491 Meeting PVD Synthesis and electrical characterization of «?» thin films Nov 24, 2011
MOTIVATION To get a know «know how» to use PVD system in order to deposit a thin film To get experience on characterization techniques of thin films
OBJECTIVES Formation of «?» thin films by PVD Electrical – Optical - Structural Caracterization of these thin films Therefore, the project is composed of TWO important parts: Synthesis Characterization
Methodology Determination of the starting parameters of PVD (P, T, t, substrate, target) Deposition of the Thin Film by PVD Electrical – Optical - Structural Characterization of these thin films Studying the effect of process parameters Optimization Simple Device Fabrication and tests
Questions to be answered For which application? Electrolumiscent device? Sensor? Which material will be deposited, what will be the source? Which substrate will be used? What are the parameters? What will be our starting parameters? T, P, time, etc. How does a PVD system operate? What are electrical – optical – structural characterization techniques? selection of the characterization techniques and design of the set-ups for measurements. us you
TO DO Get an insight on: Literature review on selected system Vacuum Science and Technology (Chapter 2) Gas Transport Vacuum pumps and systems Physical Vapor Deposition (Chapter 3) Electrical Properties of Thin Films (Chapter 10) Optical Properties of Thin Films (Chapter 11)
Semiconductor / Thin Film Characterization Techniques What are the semiconductor quantities that could be characterized depletion width, carrier concentration, optical generation and recombination rate, carrier lifetimes, defect concentration, trap states, etc. These quantities fall into three categories when it comes to characterization methods: Electrical Characterization Optical Characterization Structural/Physical/Chemical Characterization What are these quantities really?
Example 1. Electrical Characterization Techniques Used to determine which quantities, which property of material? What are the different methods? Principles of these methods? Set-up? Measures quantities? Details....