BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 11 YearCountPercent Freshman1841.9% Sophomore1023.3% Junior614.0% Senior920.9% Total % Data Table Class Make-up on First Day
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 12 Pie Chart Class Make-up on First Day
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 13 Class Make-up on First Day Bar Graph
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 14 Weight Data
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 15 Weight Data: Frequency Table sqrt(53) = 7.2, or 8 intervals; range (260 100=160) / 8 = 20 = class width
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 16 Weight Data: Histogram Weight * Left endpoint is included in the group, right endpoint is not. Number of students
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 111 Weight Data 1212
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 112 Weight Data: Stemplot (Stem & Leaf Plot) Key 20 | 3 means 203 pounds Stems = 10’s Leaves = 1’s
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 113 Class Make-up on First Day (Fall Semesters: )
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 114 Average Tuition (Public vs. Private)
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 115
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 324 Table A: Standard Normal Probabilities z
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 325 Table A: Standard Normal Probabilities z
BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 536 Caution: Beware of Extrapolation u Sarah’s height was plotted against her age u Can you predict her height at age 42 months? u Can you predict her height at age 30 years (360 months)?
Random Digit Table BPS - 5th Ed. Chapter 137