20 JANUARY 2005 FLARE CORONAS OBSERVATIONS Kuznetzov Sergey (PI), Kurt Victoria, Yushkov Boris,


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Presentation transcript:

20 JANUARY 2005 FLARE CORONAS OBSERVATIONS Kuznetzov Sergey (PI), Kurt Victoria, Yushkov Boris, Svertilov Sergey Skobeltzyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University Kudela Karel (co-PI) Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, 6 th RHESSI workshop

20 January 2005 flare Proton onset

Evolution of different parameters of the flare emission The phases correspond to that of 11 JUNE 1991 flare.

Time profiles of the low and high energy gamma-ray emission High energy emission is delayed compared to the low one.

Time profiles in all the energy windows

Zoomed time profiles

Energy spectra in the phases IA and IB Distinct  0 component is seen in the phase IB. The absolute flux is compared with that of SPRN- X-ray detector onboard CORONAS

Comparison of RHESSI and SPRN time profiles in similar energy windows.

What we see at the end of the phase IB Decay of bremmstrahlung emission becomes more steep than that of  0 emission. It seems that variation of the intensities becomes asynchronious.

Plasma temperature begins to decrease at the end of the phase IB

If the L>L1 than escaping time shifted to more earlier time. ???? The shortest path of protons L1 =1.055R Time delay of Ep=5 GeV (Vp=0.987c) relative to gamma-ray is 35s Escaping time must be near 06:48 UT Remember that 06:48 UT is the crucial point in the flare development

R=0.984a.e, γ-ray emission time of flight=490.5s time of max NM T NM = 06:52:30 UT corresponds to Ep=500 MeV, than time delay T NM relative γ-ray emission maximum Tγ=06:46:30 UT is equal to 360 s. In this case proton time of flight is T flight =( ) s. Vp (500 MeV)=0.76c. In this case proton path L= T flight *Vp=1.32R and time difference between 5 GeV and 500 MeV protons onset time has to be 195 s. This value correspond l to NM rise time duration..