Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Film Technology CE00013-1.


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Presentation transcript:

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Film Technology CE

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Why is sound important What are the major elements of the soundtrack Specific elements to enhance your visuals Example clips

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Why –The audience want to hear the actors speak –The sound can reinforce the meaning of an image –It can change the meaning of an image –It can increase the dramatic impact of a scene

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Narration –Usually used in documentary –Can also be used as a story device to put across a characters inner feelings –For documentary quite often recorded in sync to the picture from a timed script –‘Voice Of God’ approach where the voice is disconnected from the rest of the programme –Or recorded as an integral part to match presenters or on screen personalities

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Music –Mood music is used to encourage certain emotions –Theme music for specific characters –Custom score –Production music –Is music required at all?

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Foley –The process of recreating sound effects that are synchronised with the on screen action –Usually involves recreating actors movement footsteps and interaction with objects in the scene –Huge variety of props and tools, including Foley pit, clothing and material and shoes and boots to mimic actors costumes

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Sound Effects –Usually sounds that are impossible to record live (10 foot tall mutant spiders) or sounds that need to be hyper real for dramatic effect –Usually created by manipulating or mixing multiple ‘real’ sounds –A natural sound is a recording of the actual source –A characteristic sound is manipulated for dramatic effect

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Production sound –Dialogue is the most important thing to record on set –Use a boom mic as close as possible to the actor –Always make sure the mic is picking up the sound from the correct direction –Buzz tracks pick up the room tone or ambience, which can smooth cuts when editing and also fills out quiet sections

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology ADR –Automated Dialogue Replacement –If production audio is not useable due to background noise or other technical issues –The actor recreates their vocal performance in a controlled recording environment

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Ambience –Production audio buzz tracks –Artificially created for realism or effect –Prevents the soundtrack from going dead –Can be a useful alternative to a musical score

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Diagetic Sound –The sound source exists within film space –Actors voices, instruments or objects within the film Non Diagetic Sound –Exists outside the film world –Narration, mood music

Intro To Sound Level 1 Film Technology Semi Sync –Sounds that appear to be coming from a source where the viewer cannot check each individual sound Soundscapes –Characteristic sounds from a specific location or period –Similar to ambience but more defined sounds –Can be useful to establish the setting