Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian1 Reasoning/Inference Given a set of facts/beliefs/rules/evidence Evaluate a given statement Determine the truth of a statement Determine the probability of a statement Find a statement that satisfies a set of constraints SAT Find a statement that optimizes a set of constraints MAX-SAT (Assignment that maximizes the number of satisfied constraints.) Most probable explanation (MPE) (Setting of hidden variables that best explains observations.)
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian2 Examples of Reasoning Problems Evaluate a given statement Chess: status(position,LOST)? Backgammon: Pr(game-is-lost)? Find a satisfying assignment Chess: Find a sequence of moves that will win the game Optimize Backgammon: Find the move that is most likely to win Medical Diagnosis: Find the most likely disease of the patient
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian3 Facts, Beliefs, Evidence must be represented somehow Propositional Logic Statements about a fixed, finite number of objects First-Order Logic Statements about a variable, possibly-infinite, set of objects and relations among them Probabilistic Propositional Logic Statements of probability over the rows of the truth table Probabilistic First-Order Logic Statements of probability over the possible models of the axioms
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian4 Propositional Logic Sentence ::= AtomicSentence | ComplexSentence AtomicSentence ::= True | False | symbol Symbol ::= P | Q | R | … ComplexSentence ::= : Sentence | (Sentence Æ Sentence) | (Sentence Ç Sentence) | (Sentence ) Sentence) | (Sentence, Sentence)
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian5 Application: WUMPUS Maze of caves A WUMPUS is in one of the caves Some of the caves have pits One of the caves has gold Agent has an arrow Performance measure: for picking up the goal; –1000 for being eaten by the WUMPUS or falling into a pit; –1 for each action; –10 for shooting the arrow Actions: forward, turn left, turn right, shoot arrow, grab gold Sensors: Stench (cave containing WUMPUS and its four neighbors) Breeze (cave containing pit and its four neighbors) Glitter (cave containing gold) Scream (if arrow kills WUMPUS) Bump (if agent hits wall) Exactly one WUMPUS in cave choosen uniformly at random (except for Start state) Each cave has probability 0.2 of pit
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian6 Inference from Sensors Reasoning problem: Given sensors, what can we infer about the state of the world?
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian7 Some Sentences There is no wumpus in 1,1: : W 1,1 If there is a wumpus in 2,2, then there is a stench in 1,2 and 2,3 and 3,2 and 2,1 W 2,2 ) S 1,2 Æ S 2,3 Æ S 3,2 Æ S 2,1 There is gold in 3,3 iff there is glitter in 3,3: Go 3,3, Gl 3,3 There is only one wumpus: W 1,1 Ç W 1,2 Ç … Ç W 4,4 W 1,1 ) : W 1,2 Æ : W 1,3 Æ … Æ : W 4,4 W 1,2 ) : W 1,1 Æ : W 1,3 Æ … Æ : W 4,4
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian8 Sensor Readings = Sentences Starting state: no glitter, no stench, no breeze : Gl 1,1 : S 1,1 : B 1,1
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian9 Is there a WUMPUS in 2,1? Logical Reasoning allows us to draw inferences: : B 1,1 W 1,2 ) B 1,1 Æ B 2,2 Æ B 1,3 These imply (by the rule of “deny consequent”) : W 1,2
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian10 Rules of Logical Inference Modus Ponens Given: ) and Conclude: Deny Consequent Given: ) and : Conclude: : AND Elimination Given: Æ Conclude: Deny Disjunct Given: Ç and : Conclude Resolution Given: Ç and : Ç Conclude: Ç
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian11 Resolution: A useful inference rule for computation Convert all statements to conjunctive normal form (CNF) ) becomes {: Ç } Æ becomes { }, { } , becomes {: Ç }, { Ç : } Negate query Apply resolution to search for the empty clause (contradiction). Useful primarily for First-Order Logic (see below)
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian12 Satisfiability Given a set of sentences, is there a satisfying assignment of True and False to each proposition symbol that makes the sentences true? To decide if is true given , we check if Æ is satisfiable
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian13 Complete Inference Procedure The Davis-Putnam algorithm is a complete inference procedure for propositional logic If there exists a satisfying assignment, it will find it. Can be very efficient. But can be very slow, too. SAT is NP-Complete
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian14 Incomplete Inference Procedure WALKSAT is a stochastic procedure (a form of stochastic hill climbing) that finds a satisfying assignment rapidly but only with high probability Can be extended to handle MAX-SAT problems where the goal is to find an assignment that maximizes the number of satisfied clauses
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian15 First-Order Logic Propositional Logic requires that the number of objects in the world be fixed so that we can give each one a name: W 1,1, W 1,2, … B 1,1, B 1,2, … G 1,1, G 1,2, … This does not scale to worlds of variable or unknown size It is also very tedious to write down all of the clauses describing the Wumpus world
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian16 First-Order Logic permits variables that range over objects Sentence ::= AtomicSentence | Sentence Connective Sentence | Quantifier Variable, … Sentence | : Sentence | (Sentence) AtomicSentence ::= Predicate(Term),…) | Term = term Term ::= Function(Term,…) | Constant | Variable Connective ::= ) | Æ | Ç |, Quantifier ::= 8 | 9 Constant ::= A | X 1 | John Variable ::= a | x | s Predicate ::= Before | HasColor | Raining | … Function ::= Mother | LeftLegOf | …
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian17 Compact Description of Wumpus Odor If a wumpus is in a cave, then all adjacent caves are smelly 8 ℓ 1, ℓ 2 At(Wumpus, ℓ 1 ) Æ Adjacent(ℓ 1, ℓ 2 ) ) Smelly(ℓ 2 ) Compare propositional logic: W 2,2 ) S 2,1 Æ S 2,3 Æ S 1,2 Æ S 3,2 (and 15 similar sentences in the 4x4 world)
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian18 Definition of Adjacent 8 ℓ 1, ℓ 2 Adjacent(ℓ 1, ℓ 2 ), (row( ℓ 1 ) = row( ℓ 2 ) Æ (col( ℓ 1 ) = col(ℓ 2 ) + 1 Ç col(ℓ 1 ) = col(ℓ 2 ) – 1)) Ç (col(ℓ 1 ) = col(ℓ 2 ) Æ (row(ℓ 1 ) = row(ℓ 2 ) + 1 Ç row(ℓ 1 ) = row(ℓ 2 ) – 1))
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian19 Inference Rules for Quantifiers Universal Elimination: Given 8 x Conclude S UBST ({x/g}, ) [g must be term that does not contain variables] Example: Given 8 x Likes(x,IceCream) Conclude Likes(Ben,IceCream) S UBST (x/Ben, Likes(x,IceCream)) ´ Likes(Ben,IceCream) Many other rules…
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian20 Unification Unification is a pattern matching operation that finds a substitution that makes two sentences match: U NIFY (p,q) = iff S UBST ( ,p) = S UBST ( ,q) Example: U NIFY (Knows(John,x), Knows(John,Jane)) = {x/Jane} U NIFY (Knows(John,x), Knows(y,Mother(y))) = {y/John,x/Mother(John)}
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian21 First-Order Resolution Given: Ç , : Ç and U NIFY ( , )= Conclude: S UBST ( , Ç ) Resolution is a refutation complete inference procedure for First-Order Logic If a set of sentences contains a contradiction, then a finite sequence of resolutions will prove this. If not, resolution may loop forever (“semi- decidable”)
Oregon State University – CS430 Intro to AI (c) 2003 Thomas G. Dietterich and Devika Subramanian22 Summary Propositional logic finite worlds logical entailment is decidable Davis-Putnam is complete inference procedure First-Order logic infinite worlds logical entailment is semi-decidable Resolution procedure is refutation complete