Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white Carlsberg Presentation Title – Month/Day/Year – Month/Day/YearPage 1 Microsoft at Carlsberg Anders L Munck January 13th 2008
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white 2 Business Strategy
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white 3 Market leader Top 2-4 Market share Nepal Ownership: 48% Denmark Ownership: 100% Malaysia Ownership: 28% Portugal Ownership: 30% Market leading positions, 1999
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white 4 Market leader Top 2-4 Majority ownership in: Denmark Sweden Finland UK Italy Germany Hong Kong Singapore Switzerland Norway Turkey Poland Croatia Bulgaria China Vietnam Serbia Joint Ventures in: Russia Ukraine Baltic countries Kazakstan China Nepal Sri Lanka Malaysia South Korea Vietnam Laos Cambodia Market leading positions, 2005 Most became part of Carlsberg after S&N deal in 2008 Major transition from being a Danish business with license takers to being a global business with majority ownerships. Many new opportunities to reduce cost and increase efficiency by consolidating business and governance. Many new challenges to achieve benefits without jeopardizing local flexibility and competitiveness.
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white 5 IT Software Strategy
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white SAP & Microsoft Processes People MS Dynamics MS Project / Portfolio MS Office MS Sharepoint MS.NET MS Exchange MS Office Communicator SAP Portal SAP Business Objects SAP Mobile/CRM SAP R/3 SAP APO SAP HR Agility People are unstructured and need tools to communicate, collaborate, structure, and mature the ideas that drive the business forward. Stability Processes are structured and need tools to be securely managed, connected, and developed to ensure smooth business operation. A good Software strategy establishes a mix of technologies that fit the business profile and goals without jeopardizing neither stability nor agility.
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white 7 Software Strategy Core Business Processes Supporting Business Processes Procurement Production Sales Human Resources Marketing Communication Legal Many small/local applications Few big applications Known Cost Hidden Cost Various Applications Known and Reduced Cost Use MS technology to standardize non-SAP applications and reduce costs Software Costs
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white Enterprise Application Costs Global 1. Products from strategic vendors Standard product or component from SAP or Microsoft. If no standard product can fulfill requirements within an acceptable timeframe or budget then move down. 2. Global custom solution Global 3rdParty product or custom-built MS application supported internally. If no 3rdParty or custom Microsoft application can be used then move down. 3. Local custom solution Local Local Custom applications using non MS-technologies, local 3rdparty applications. SAP/MS
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white Enterprise Application Costs Local or custom applications used for a limited number of users each Cheap to start with, but IT cost and complexity rise fast. Use for Unique local requirements Custom developed or 3rdParty software used for more than one country/region Higher initial cost, but cost sharing quickly makes it cheaper to use. Use for global requirements not offered by standard software. Standard software used globally Highest initial cost, but much less expensive when scaled to enterprise level. Use as widely and as many features as possible IT Initiatives Business Initiatives Global Local SAP/MS
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white 10 Initiative 1 – Common infrastructure Outsourcing in 2006 to create common infrastructure..
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white 11 Initiative 2 – Global platforms Northern Light ( ) River (-2008) BSP ( ) Italy (-2006)..use new infrastructure to establish common European SAP Platform..
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white Monolit Initiative 2 – Global Platforms Sharepoint 2007 Platform Custom Development Platform Live Communication Infrastructure Office 2007 Standard..and use Microsoft to tie global regions together.
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white Monolit Initiative 3 – Governance Establish global governance to maximize benefits of global platforms and reduce inconvenience of centralization NW Europe E Europe Asia Global
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white Goal IT Initiatives Business Initiatives Global Local SAP/MS
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white 15 Microsoft Projects
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white Carlsberg Presentation Title – Month/Day/Year – Month/Day/YearPage 16 Seven projects.. Desktop Windows7 Office 2007 Communication Live Communication Exchange 2007 Portal Development Infrastructure Sharepoint 2007 Business data Integration New platform for delivering custom requirements Upgrades to common tools
Font: Verdana. Title: bold, dark green, font size 26. Text: regular or bold, font size 16 or 18, black, dark green or white 17 Questions