Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES XTOD FY07 Plan LCLS FAC Review October 12, 2006
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES Linac-to- Undulator (227m e - beam) Undulator Hall (175m e - and beam) Near Expt. Hall X-ray Vacuum Transport (250m beam) Far Expt. Hall e - Beam Dump (40M e - and beam) (FEE) Front End Enclosure (29m beam) Linac e - beam LCLS Layout at SLAC XTOD Transports Photons from e- Dump to FEH
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES XTOD plan has stabilized with minor modifications Modifications: FEL spectrometer has been redefined as the Low Energy Spectrometer Number of “Pop-up” cameras in the FEE reduced from 13 to 9 Additions: K-measurement system in FEE moved from XES to XTOD scope w/ XES providing crystals Deletions: none
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES The Proposed Baseline has nearly all XTOD instruments and diagnostics in the FEE FEE NEH FEH
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES Diagnostics Occupy Upstream End of the Front End Enclosure (FEE) Slit Gas Detector Gas Detector Gas Attenuator Solid Attenuators Direct Imager (Scintillator) Total Energy FEL Offset Mirror System Collimator 1 Spectrometer Package Fixed Mask Beam Direction
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES FEE Schematic Solid Attenuator Gas Attenuator Fixed Mask, High-Energy Slit Start of Experimental Hutches 5 mm diameter collimators Muon Shield FEL Offset mirror system Total Energy Thermal Detector WFOV NFOV Windowless Gas Detector e-e- Direct Imager K Spectrometer Grating
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES Tunnel Contains XTOD X-Ray Beam Transport System
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES XTOD Staff by Discipline R. Bionta LLNL LCLS Project Leader D. McMahon XTOD Project Engineer C. Kelly-Clark Administrator R. Souza Procurement Rodney Victorine Resource Manager Jay Doubrava PMCS Hazards R. Beale EE E. Ables P. Pax B. Abraham ME P. Duffy M. Mckernan S. Shen J. Trent L. Tung P. Tirapelle M. Roeben Comp. & Ctrls K. Fong K. Kishiyama S. Lewis L. Ott Physics S. Friedrich S. Hau-Reige R. London M. Pivovaroff D. Ryutov
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES Management and Safety Account # XTOD Organization by WBS Richard Bionta x Donn McMahon x Rodney Victorine x Hazards Control Richard Beale x Steve Lewis x Keith Kishiyama x William Abraham x Controls Account # FEE Mech/Vac Design Account # Mark McKernan x John Trent x Stewart Shen x Pat Duffy x Louann Tung x NEH Mech & Vacuum Account # Stewart Shen x Pat Duffy x Louann Tung x John Trent x Slit Account # John Trent x Pete Tirapelle x Gas/Solid Attenuator Account # Dmitri Ryutov x Stewart Shen x Martin Roeben x Keith Kishiyama x TTF Damage Experiment Account # Stefan Hau-Riege x Rich London x Modeling & Simulation Account # Linda Ott x Kirby Fong x FEL Offset Mirror System Account # Mike Pivovaroff x Sasa Bajt x Direct Imager Account # Paul Pax x Elden Ables x Total Energy Account # Stephan Friedrich x Owen Drury x Elden Ables x Low Energy Spectrometer Account # Mike Pivovaroff x Paul Pax x Procurement Ray Souza Keith Stickle Mary Ross Gas Detector Account # Dmitri Ryutov x Stewart Shen x Martin Roeben x Paul Pax x Stefan Hau-Riege x X-Ray Tunnel Mech & Vacuum Account # Stewart Shen x Pat Duffy x Louann Tung x John Trent x FEH Mech & Vacuum Account # Stewart Shen x Pat Duffy x Louann Tung x John Trent x Fast Valve Account #8866-TBD Pat Duffy x Fixed Mask Account # Pat Duffy x Pop-Up Cameras Account #8866-TBD Paul Pax x Elden Ables x K-Spectrometer Account #8866-TBD Mike Pivovaroff x Paul Pax x
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES XTOD scope has stabilized and a revised go forward plan has been defined Design completion of all systems: [FY07]: Complete final design and procurement of most XTOD systems Fixed Mask, Slit, Gas Detectors, Attenuators, Low Energy Spectrometer, Total Energy Calorimeter, Direct Imagers, LE Offset Mirror System, Mechanical and Vacuum systems for FEE, NEH, Tunnel, and FEH Remaining systems will be in FDR/fabrication stages HE Offset Mirrors System, NEH & FEH Imagers, K-Measurement System, and Pop-up Cameras Finalize details for Beneficial Occupancy ( , ) and commissioning activities: [FY07-2 nd Half/FY08-1 st Qtr]: Test LLNL Conduct readiness reviews Develop shipping/staging plans Vet installation plans Develop commissioning plans
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES XTOD FY07 Development Status & Plan WBSDescriptionStatusFY07 Plan FEE M&VNeed RP input for PRD Leverage off XVTS, Complete Final Design & Procure, Ready for B.O (.01)NEH M&VNeed RP input for PRD Leverage off XVTS, Complete Final Design & Procure Ready for B.O XVTS M&V Final Design scheduled for Complete Design, Procure, Ready for B.O (.01)FEH M&VNeed RP input for PRDLeverage off XVTS, Complete Final Design & Procure Fast ValveCommence preliminary designPlace in EBD,Complete Final Design & Procure Ready for B.O Fixed MaskFinish ESD, Nearing FDR (11.06)Complete Design, Procure, Ready for B.O SlitFinish ESD, Nearing FDR (12..06)Complete Design, Procure, Ready for B.O AttenuatorFinish ESD & Prototype ActivitiesComplete Design, Procure, Ready for B.O TTF Damage ExperimentSept FLASH VUVFELComplete analyses FEL Offset - LowPRD in reviewComplete Design, Procure, Ready for B.O FEL Offset - HighPRD to commenceComplete Final Design (8.07), Procure Substrates Direct ImagerFinish PRD, Prototype, Component EvalComplete Design, Procure, Ready for B.O Gas DetectorSCR complete, Prototyping Conduct Calibration Tests (SSRL), Complete Design, Procure, Ready for B.O NEH ImagerPRD (12.06)Leverage off DI, Complete Final Design, Procure systems FEH ImagerPRD (12.06)Leverage off DI, Complete Final Design, Procure systems Total Energy MonitorSCR Complete, PrototypingComplete Design, Procure, Ready for B.O Low Energy SpectrometerPRD to start (11.06)Complete Design, Procure, Ready for B.O Pop Ups (N)PRD (1.07)Complete Final Design, Procure systems K-SpectrometerPRD to start (11.06)Complete Final Design, Procure systems
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES Target XTOD Dates Key DocumentsDesign ReviewsInstallB.O. WBSDescriptionPRDESDSCRPDRFDR Cooccupancy FEE M&V (need RP Input) (.01)NEH M&V (need RP Input) XVTS M&V (.01)FEH M&V (need RP Input) Combine w/ NEH reviews Fast Valve Fixed Mask ; Slit ; Attenuator FEL Offset - Low FEL Offset - High Direct Imager Gas Detector NEH Imager FEH Imager Total Energy Monitor Low Energy Spectrometer Pop Ups (N) K-Spectrometer ? XTOD Key Dates CompletedNear Term Completion (<1mo)
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES Target XTOD Dates Key DocumentsDesign ReviewsInstallB.O. WBSDescriptionPRDESDSCRPDRFDR Cooccupancy FEE M&V (need RP Input) (.01)NEH M&V (need RP Input) XVTS M&V (.01)FEH M&V (need RP Input) Combine w/ NEH reviews Fast Valve Fixed Mask ; Slit ; Attenuator FEL Offset - Low FEL Offset - High Direct Imager Gas Detector NEH Imager FEH Imager Total Energy Monitor Low Energy Spectrometer Pop Ups (N) K-Spectrometer ? XTOD Key Dates – 6 Month Look ahead (<6/07) Completed
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES XTOD milestones have been revised per scope changes and new Beneficial Occupancy dates XTOD Level 3 Milestones MS #MS IDMilestone TitleDate*Milestone Completion Criteria 113 MS3_XT035Low Energy Spectral Measurement Design Review Complete 7/21/2007This milestone is complete when the designs of the low energy spectral measurement instruments have been certified as ready for procurement. 122 MS3_XT009Far Hall Mech/Vac Design Review Complete 5/27/2007This milestone is complete when the design of the mechanical and vacuum assemblies of the Endstation Systems that are located in the Far Experimental Hall has been approved as ready for procurement. 116 MS3_XT025Solid Attenuator Ready to Ship to SLAC 4/15/08This milestone is complete when the solid attenuator system has been completed by the vendor and is ready to ship to SLAC. 117 MS3_XT043Start XTOD Installation in Near Hall4/15/2008This milestone is complete when the NEH has been certified as ready for installation of x-ray transport and optics components. 120 MS3_XT030Fixed Mask Ready to Ship to SLAC4/15/2008This milestone is complete when the fixed Mask system has been completed by the vendor and is ready to ship to SLAC. 121 MS3_XT007Tunnel Mech/Vac Design Review Complete 12/26/2006This milestone is complete when the LCLS X-TOD transport tunnel hardware design is complete. 128 MS3_XT060Total Energy Measurement Installation Complete 5/13/08This milestone is complete when the total energy measurement system has been installed. 123 MS3_XT040Solid Attenuator Installation Complete5/7/08This milestone is complete when the solid attenuator system has been installed. * Proposed Dates
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES XTOD milestones have been revised per scope changes and new Beneficial Occupancy dates * Proposed Dates XTOD Level 3 Milestones MS #MS IDMilestone TitleDate*Milestone Completion Criteria 124 MS3_XT045Gas Attenuator Installation Complete5/7/08This milestone is complete when the gas attenuator system has been installed. 131 MS3_XT050Tunnel Mech/Vac Installation Complete 6/15/2008This milestone is complete when the LCLS X-TOD transport tunnel hardware has been installed and is ready for x-rays. 127 MS3_XT000FEE Mechanical/Vacuum Installation Complete 9/16/08This milestone is complete when the mechanical and vacuum components of the Endstation Systems have been installed and certified as operational in the FEE. 126 MS3_XT080Start Front End Enclosure Checkout9/16/08This milestone is complete when the XTOD instrumentation has been installed through the FEE and it is possible to pump down the beam line through the FEE, and the XTOD instrumentation can be powered up. 129 MS3_XT066Start Near Experimental Hall Checkout8/17/2008This milestone is complete when the XTOD instrumentation and vacuum systems have been installed in the first hutch, and it is possible to have an unobstructed vacuum pathway from the FEE through the first hutch, and the XTOD instrumentation can be powered 130 MS3_XT071Start Far Experimental Hall Checkout8/17/2008This milestone is complete when the XTOD instrumentation and vacuum systems have been installed in the first hutch, and it is possible to have an unobstructed vacuum pathway from the tumble through the first hutch, and the XTOD instrumentation can be powered
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES The FEL Offset Mirror Systems are critical systems for LCLS Experimental Operations Low Energy Mirror System: Final PRD preparation nearly complete
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES The FEL Offset Mirror Systems are critical systems for LCLS Experimental Operations The High Energy Mirror System requires long lead procurements
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES XTOD is approximately 36% complete (current baseline) and is tracking schedule and performance plans FY07 is the largest funding year at $12M and includes nearly all XTOD procurements FY06
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES XTOD work flow will follow ISMS practices for each WBS element LCLS Physics Requirements WBS Dictionary Eng. Safety Notes Certified Parts Lists ICDs IWS (Integrated Work Sheet) is LLNL wide e- form for documenting ISMS for each work package: Scope Hazards Controls Roles (RI…) Responsibilities Training Signoff Designs Hardware Installation Operations Servicing ESDs
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES Integrated Safety Worksheets will be Developed for Each Task
Donn H. McMahon XTOD Breakout: XTOD FY07 October 12, 2006 UCRL-PRES Summary FY2006 was a design and replan year Scope changes were accommodated Revised Estimate to Complete (ETC) The go forward plan will meet required install and commissioning dates FY07 is characterized by the design completion and procurement of all systems with most ready for shipping to SLAC for BO Many physics requirements have been finalized XTOD designs have been undergoing reviews Nearly all XTOD staff has been added and aligned with WBS elements XTOD is tracking the current plan Critical path items are being actively scrutinized to ensure success (concurrent tasking and early procurement of long lead items) Work flow follows the principle of ISM (development to install/commissioning)