Agricultural Management E-School AMES On-line learning to help you manage better.
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AMES Courses Advanced Grain Marketing Financial Decision Making Farmland Ownership Farm Leasing Agreements Farm Machinery Economics Strategic Planning Livestock Marketing Human Resource Management
Instructional Elements for Each Module Title Authors and reviewers Overview and outline Content Summary of key points Quiz Answers to quiz Exercises or case studies Completed examples Related software References for further study Related websites and links
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Advanced Grain Marketing Modules Marketing Plan Framework Weather and Agronomic Considerations When Should I Market My Grain? Financial Risk Cash Marketing Tools Crop Insurance Alternatives Hedging with Futures Risk Analysis Tools Options Market Tools Use of Outlook Information
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Winter 2002 AGM Course 150 students self-enrolled –66 Iowa counties –9 other states 142 students accessed the course 6 Chats Held >75 Discussion postings
Evaluation: Advanced Grain Marketing Usefulness: 2.81 out of 3.00 Clarity: 2.81 out of 3.00 Length of modules: 93% said “about right” 68% completed all 10 modules 67% completed all the exercises 41% had some technical problems 47% participated in a group chat session 87% developed a marketing plan on paper 96% would recommend the course to a friend 80% thought $100 fee was about right
Enrollment to Date Advanced Grain Marketing—240 Financial Decision Making—40 Farmland Ownership—15
Financial Decision Making Introduction to Financial Decision Making Developing Financial Statements Analyzing Financial Statements Relating Financial Analysis to Production Records Financial Trouble Shooting Three Case Studies 12 Steps to Cash Flow Budgeting Cash Management Financing Capital Assets Presentation of a Financial Plan
Farmland Ownership Land Value Trends Using Soils Information Appraisal Techniques Financing Considerations Feasibility of a Land Purchase
Personnel Involved Co-leaders –William Edwards, extension economist –Tim Eggers, SW Iowa farm management specialist Content developers –Campus Extension specialists –Extension field specialists Marketing: Extension Communications Technical: Instructional Technology Center Manager: Julie O’Hara
AMES Resources Block grant from Risk Management Agency, USDA for $9,000 Competitive grant from RMA, $40,000 User fees, $100 per course Extension staff time One hired manager (hourly)
AMES Marketing Brochures and bookmarks Radio interviews Mass mailings Mass media Extension meetings Links from other web sites Other institutions (FSA, Farm Credit)
Obstacles Staff time for course development “Bulletin” mentality User fees Slow Internet connections
Goals for 2003 Complete 5 more courses Evaluate 3 existing courses Review and revise existing courses Create a resource library for each course Improve marketing efforts Coordinate with other institutions