The Role of Educational Psychology
“Educational Psychology is a distinct from other branches of psychology because it has the understanding and improvement of education as it primary goal” The psychological study of the every problems of education, from which one derives principles, models, theories, teaching procedures, and practical methods, statistical analyses, and measurement and assessment procedures appropriate for studying the thinking and affective processes of learners and the socially and culturally complex processes of schools?” Using research to Understand and improve teaching
Theories for Teaching The major goal of E. Psy. is understanding teaching and learning, and research is a primary goal To build a better understanding of teaching and learning processes is research 1) Research in Ed. Psy: To arrive at Principle: An established relationship between two or more factors – between a certain teaching strategy, for example, and student achievement. And 2) Theory: Integrated statement of principles that attempts to explain a phenomenon and to make predictions Few theories explain and predict perfectly. You will see Ed. Psychologists taking different theoretical positions and disagreeing on the overall explanations of such issues as learning and motivation. This course is to provide you with the most useful theories for teaching.
Cognitive Development General Principles of Development Development (Dev.) orderly, adaptive changes we go through from conception to death. Different aspects of Dev. Physical Dev: changes in the body Personal Dev.: changes in an individual’s personality. Social Dev.: changes in the way an individual relates to others Cognitive Dev.: Changes in thinking 1) People develop at different rates. Different developmental rates. 2) Development is relatively orderly. People develop certain abilities before others. 3) Development takes place gradually. Changes take time.