Objective Ss will be able to ask and answer about personal information including date of birth.
Agenda 1.Months (10 minutes) 2.Dates (15 minutes) 3.Birthday queue (15 minutes)
Assigment Close your books. Write the months from 1 to 12. Minh Quân goes to the board to do the assignment.
Listen. Write the date for each holiday. 1.New Year Day: _____ 2.Valentine’s Day: ___ 3.St. Patrick’s Day: ___ 4.Easter : _____ 5.Mother’s Day : _____ 6.Father’s Day : _____ 7.(The US) Independence Day : _ 8.Birthday : _____ 9.Mother’s Birthday : __ 10.Halloween : _____ 11.Thanksgiving : _____ 12.Christmas : _____
1.New Year Day: January first (1/1) 2.Valentine’s Day: February fourteenth (14/2) 3.St. Patrick’s Day: March seventeenth (17/3) 4.Easter : April fifteenth (15/4) 5.Mother’s Day : May ninth (9/5) 6.Father’s Day : June twentieth (20/6) 7.(The US) Independence Day : July fourth 8.Birthday : August nineteenth (19/8) 9.Mother’s Birthday : September third (3/9) 10.Halloween : October twenty-first (21/10) 11.Thanksgiving : November twenty-second (22/11) 12.Christmas : December twenty-fifth (25/12)
Homework #1 Learn all ordinal numbers in #1/ page 24/ textbook.
Game: BIRTHDAY QUEUE You have 5 minutes. You work in 3 groups: Group 1: Student number 1 11 Group 2: Student 12 23 Group 3: Student 24 35 You cannot speak. You try to line up in the order of birthday. Which group finish first and correctly wins the game.