11/25/02 Auto Tuner Brian Crosby
11/25/02 Background Manual tuning a string instrument to reference tones take skill and is often a time consuming and error- prone process.
11/25/02 Problem To develop a portable system that automatically tunes a string instrument to its standard tuning quickly and effectively.
11/25/02Brian Crosby Solution Use a servo motor to turn tuning keys Use a servo motor to turn tuning keys Tuning with plucking motion Tuning with plucking motion Smart pluck software Programming learns Tuned in Three plucksTuned in Three plucks
11/25/02Brian Crosby Three Pluck Smart Software 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Plucks Motor movement Signal Feedback Calibration Calculations Final Tuning
11/25/02Brian Crosby Smart Software First Pluck First Pluck Reads input signal then Moves servo motor 45 degrees Second Pluck Second Pluck Reads change in pitch and calibrates Turns ratio of servo >degrees to Htz. degrees to Htz.< Third Pluck Third Pluck Reads difference between reference pitch and input, calculates change, makes change through use of servo
11/25/02Brian Crosby Plucking Concept Servo Motor Smart software Signal activates software Software sends out pulse to Servo Servo turns 45 degrees, changing pitch of string New pitch is feedback into smart software for analysis and change
11/25/02Brian Crosby Guitars in Tune
11/25/02Brian Crosby What does it look like?
11/25/02Brian Crosby System Overview using Smart plucking software Microphone A/D Converter Smart software High or low Servo High Servo Low Instrument is plucked three times Gear System
11/25/02Brian Crosby What's Next? More Research More Research Start Writing software Start Writing software Choose interface Choose interface
11/25/02Brian Crosby Schedule
11/25/02Brian Crosby Any Questions????