Nour-Eddine Raouafi Magnetic and Velocity Fields in the Solar Corona Outline Polar Holes: Latest Results SUMER: The Polarimeter Conclusions
LOS Open superradial expanding field lines Source of the fast solar wind Area of interest : polar coronal holes
Very broad line profiles emitted by heavy ions (O VI, Mg X ) in the polar coronal holes UVCS Results
Wave-particle energy exchange at cyclotron frequencies of the solar wind species High anisotropies in the velocity distributions of the scattering atoms Impact on the mechanisms of acceleration & heating of the coronal plasma Interpretation of UVCS observations
Atmospheric parameters: electron density Guhathakurta & Holzer (1994); Guhathakurta et al. (1999); Cranmer et al. (1999) & Esser et al. (1999) : power series DKL
O VI : Total Intensities The observed intensities are reasonably reproduced by most of the density models (DKL, GH94, Cra99) Guh99 & Ess99 give relatively low intensities at low altitudes (Raouafi & Solanki, 2004b)
O VI : Widths & Intensity Ratios The LOS-integrated profiles are very sensitive to the density stratification details DKL density stratification gives line widths comparable to the observed ones The calculated intensity ratios are relatively close to the observed ones (except for Guh99 & Ess99) (Raouafi & Solanki, 2004a,b)
N.-E. Raouafi P. LEMAIRE S. Sahal-Brechot
The SOlar & Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO ) mission The S olar U ltraviolet M easurements of E mitted R adiation Three-axis stabilized Capacity of rolling around z-axis Objectives...; Coronal heating & Sources & acceleration of the solar wind (CDS, UVCS, EIT, LASCO & SUMER )
SUMER’s Optical Design Capability of rastering Sensitivity to the polarization
Observations Date: SoHO roll of March 19, 1996 Target: An area in the polar coronal hole at ~1.3 R Goal: Observe this area angles with respect to the polar axis
Wavelength range: 1022 – 1042 Å H I Ly- 1025 Å O VI Å & Å
Results Variation of the intensity ratio of the O VI doublet with the angle of observation Signature of the polarization of the O VI Å
Results p = 9 ± 2 % = 9 ± 6° r = 2.88 ± 0.05 (Raouafi et al. 2002a) First determination of the polarization parameters of a UV line in the corona
Polarization measurements & Quantum theory of matter-radiation interaction (Raouafi 2002) Constraints on the Coronal magnetic field: Hanle effect (< 3 Gauss) Solar wind velocity vector: Doppler redistribution (40 – 70 km s -1 ) (Raouafi et al. 2002a,b) Interpretation of the observations
Conclusion SUMER SUMER showed us the way to infer the coronal magnetic field & the solar wind velocity vectors through the Hanle effect and the Doppler redistribution.