National and/or European identity A sociological approach.


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Presentation transcript:

National and/or European identity A sociological approach

Focuses What will will happen with national identity in a trans- or supra-national political environment? Is there a need for a common European identity? How national and European identity get on with each other? Does the process of globalization stop at the border of Europe?

Sociological concept of collective identity: social identity Distinguished from the notion of personal identity which is originated from individual ’ s unique attributes Belonging to the group or collective Main sources of identification in an inter- group relations Main features –Social construction –Collective knowledge –Collective behavior –Internalized membership –Demographic, structural, and cultural representations

Competing collective social identities in cultural context Local identity Trans-national, regional identity National identity Global identity Diversity Plurality Correspondance Complexity Competitiveness vs. disengagement differentiation exclusion dominance

The national perspective The traditonal narrative: a political concept –the prerequisite of the traditional modernization –modern state, successful administrative ­ bureaucratic integration, market based economic coordination, capitalism as a form of production –complex political and social integration –integrated political community, civic society, individual and collective participation –strong individual and collective ties based on citizenship (instrumental) and national identity (cultural)

Contemporary dilemmas – vanishing borders instead of isolation, ascriptiveness, exclusivness – dissolution of the traditional nation state – devaluation of economic integration on national ground – traditional cultural homogenization vs. emerging cultural diversity and global, trans-national identities –ethno nationalism instead of political nationalism Prospects: a cultural concept – nation as a psychological, emotional, intellectual resource – revised concept of the nation as symbolic community Common ethno-history, common cultural roots Familiarity Solidarity – shared norms, values, traditions – frame of cultural identity – cultural integration, cultural capital

Global Perspective –new global identities –universal human rights, tolerance, pluralism, democracy –cosmopolitanism –inclusiveness –human dignity, social safety net, social justice, social consensus –multiculturalism, collective cultural rights –Global access to and transfere of knowledge –Global economy, globalized consumptions –Global communication, network building, mobility Challenges: Globalized economic, social, environmental risk

The EU as a regional perpective Prospects –deepening economic, lawful political integration –regional trans- and supra-national cooperation and new partnership –innovation, equalization and closing the gap between members –constitutional patriotism, collective political identity –utilitarian identity building on a personal level Deficits –cultural diversification, cultural conflicts –lack of common cultural identity –lack of common etho-history, culture, language, memory –inclusion vs. exclusion: emerging new borderlines

Data and method International Social Survey Programme National Identity Modul 1995 and 2003 EU member (or candidate) states D-W-Germany-West D-E-Germany-East GB-Great Britain I-Italy IRL-Ireland NL-Netherlands F-France D-Denmark A-Austria S-Sweden S-Spain P-Portugal SF-Finland H-Hungary CZ-Czech Republic SLO-Slovenia PL-Poland LV-Latvia SK-Slovak Republic

National, European and global identities in parallel, scale average

Cognitive framework of identity building Spontaneous identity Ingroup categorization Attributions Auto-hetero stereotypes Ethnocentrism Xenophobia Political ideology affective cognitive normative behavioral intentions

Widening circles of spontaneous identification, scale average

Patterns of a spontaneous local, national, and European identification, cluster types

Themes applicable to justify national pride in different countries, scale average

The two logics of national pride in different countries, average factor scores

Patterns of ethnocentric attitudes in different regions of Europe, percent

Different types of national identity patterns, percent

Modelling identity building in multi-level political and cultural frame, percent

Xenophobia and multiculturalism, scale average