The Development of Vocation as Calling Research Sponsored by the Lilly Endowment Cindy Miller-Perrin Don Thompson Elizabeth Krumrei Emily Andrews Marisa Sessions Faculty Conference Pepperdine University October 8, 2004
Voyage Project Research Overview Voyage Project Research Overview Student Vocational Development Student Vocational Development Web Surveys Web Surveys Personal Interviews Personal Interviews Faculty Vocational Discernment & Action Faculty Vocational Discernment & Action Surveys Surveys Autobiographies Autobiographies
Student Web Survey Measures faith attitudes, faith behaviors, identity development, vocation definitions, vocational discernment, and vocational barriers. Measures faith attitudes, faith behaviors, identity development, vocation definitions, vocational discernment, and vocational barriers. Longitudinal administered each fall as well as prior to initial enrollment Longitudinal administered each fall as well as prior to initial enrollment Entering Freshmen: July 2002, 300 surveyed, 113 completed Entering Freshmen: July 2002, 300 surveyed, 113 completed Freshmen: March 2003, 300 surveyed, 191 completed Freshmen: March 2003, 300 surveyed, 191 completed Sophomores: March 2004, 174 surveyed, 111 completed Sophomores: March 2004, 174 surveyed, 111 completed
Student Personal Interview Students complete 30-minute personal interview in fall of each 4 years at Pepperdine ( ) Students complete 30-minute personal interview in fall of each 4 years at Pepperdine ( ) 2002 Freshman Sample: 105 students from the 150 who completed the Web survey 2002 Freshman Sample: 105 students from the 150 who completed the Web survey 2003 Sophomore Sample: 65 students from the 105 who previously participated 2003 Sophomore Sample: 65 students from the 105 who previously participated Students to be interviewed fall 2004, 2005 Students to be interviewed fall 2004, 2005
Faculty Survey Measures faculty members’ concepts of vocation, personal experiences of discerning vocation, and personal barriers experienced while pursuing vocation Measures faculty members’ concepts of vocation, personal experiences of discerning vocation, and personal barriers experienced while pursuing vocation Pre/post-test design Pre/post-test design Pre-test fall 2003: 144 Seaver tenure track faculty invited, 75 completed Pre-test fall 2003: 144 Seaver tenure track faculty invited, 75 completed Approximately one-third of these expressed interest in further vocational discernment activity Approximately one-third of these expressed interest in further vocational discernment activity Post-test will be administered in the fall of 2006 Post-test will be administered in the fall of 2006
Faculty Autobiographies Florence, Italy New Faculty Faith, Learning & Vocation Seminar and summer Faith and Learning Seminars participants write self-reflective essays about vocational journeys - highlighting major turning points, crises, experiences of clarity, affirmations, and tensions Florence, Italy New Faculty Faith, Learning & Vocation Seminar and summer Faith and Learning Seminars participants write self-reflective essays about vocational journeys - highlighting major turning points, crises, experiences of clarity, affirmations, and tensions Data accumulated from December 2002, Summer 2003, and December 2003, Summer Data accumulated from December 2002, Summer 2003, and December 2003, Summer 2004.
Analysis & Dissemination Faith, Vocation, and Identity – Western Psychological Association, April 2004 – Krumrei, Miller-Perrin, & Thompson Faith, Vocation, and Identity – Western Psychological Association, April 2004 – Krumrei, Miller-Perrin, & Thompson Faculty Conference Presentation, October 2004 Faculty Conference Presentation, October 2004 Vocational Discernment and Action Among University Professors – Faith In the Academy Conference, October 2004 – Thompson & Miller-Perrin Vocational Discernment and Action Among University Professors – Faith In the Academy Conference, October 2004 – Thompson & Miller-Perrin
Analysis & Dissemination The Relationship between Status of Identity Development and Maturity of Faith: A Quantitative Study of College Students - International Journal of Psychology of Religion, Spring Krumrei, Miller-Perrin, & Thompson The Relationship between Status of Identity Development and Maturity of Faith: A Quantitative Study of College Students - International Journal of Psychology of Religion, Spring Krumrei, Miller-Perrin, & Thompson Gender and Vocational Discernment – Conference on Psychology of Religion, April 2005 – Miller-Perrin & Thompson Gender and Vocational Discernment – Conference on Psychology of Religion, April 2005 – Miller-Perrin & Thompson
Analysis & Dissemination Identity and Faith: The Role of Crisis and Commitment – Conference on Psychology of Religion, April 2005 – Krumrei, Miller-Perrin & Thompson Identity and Faith: The Role of Crisis and Commitment – Conference on Psychology of Religion, April 2005 – Krumrei, Miller-Perrin & Thompson A Life Dedicated to Service: College Students’ Commitment to Service and the Role of Faith Attitudes, Faith Behaviors, and Personal Sense of Vocation – Western Psychological Association, April 2005 – Andrews, Sessions, & Miller-Perrin A Life Dedicated to Service: College Students’ Commitment to Service and the Role of Faith Attitudes, Faith Behaviors, and Personal Sense of Vocation – Western Psychological Association, April 2005 – Andrews, Sessions, & Miller-Perrin
The Relationship between Status of Identity Development and Maturity of Faith Elizabeth Krumrei Bowling Green State University
Questions Commonly Asked by College Students Who am I? Who am I? What should I do? What should I do? What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of life?
Purpose of Study IdentityFaith Hypothesis: Students’ level of identity development will be directly related to their faith maturity.
Identity Faith: Convictions & Behavior Students with a stronger sense of identity will have deeper faith convictions which will be lived out in concrete behavioral terms. Research Hypothesis
Past Research The college years are the “critical years” in development (Parks, 2000). The college years are the “critical years” in development (Parks, 2000). The college years are an important time of change for the individual self and the religious self (Lee, 2002). The college years are an important time of change for the individual self and the religious self (Lee, 2002). Both healthy and unhealthy forms of development occur during the college years (Love and Talbot, 2002). Both healthy and unhealthy forms of development occur during the college years (Love and Talbot, 2002).
Lack of Research Theories of spiritual development have existed at the margins of student development theory for 20 years but have not been given serious consideration (Love, 2002). Theories of spiritual development have existed at the margins of student development theory for 20 years but have not been given serious consideration (Love, 2002). Spirituality and spiritual development have been conspicuously absent from student development theories and ignored by many student affairs professionals (Love & Talbot, 1999). Spirituality and spiritual development have been conspicuously absent from student development theories and ignored by many student affairs professionals (Love & Talbot, 1999).
Importance of Research Scientific study of faith and identity is necessary for the design, implementation, and evaluation of specific efforts for change and growth among college students. Scientific study of faith and identity is necessary for the design, implementation, and evaluation of specific efforts for change and growth among college students. As an issue of integrity and responsible stewardship, Christians in positions of leadership should be concerned with efforts to promote movement towards greater spiritual and identity maturity (Butman, 1990). As an issue of integrity and responsible stewardship, Christians in positions of leadership should be concerned with efforts to promote movement towards greater spiritual and identity maturity (Butman, 1990).
Current Study The intimate and intricate faith-identity linkage makes intuitive psychological and theological sense, however, there is limited research examining this relationship (Bussema, 1999). The intimate and intricate faith-identity linkage makes intuitive psychological and theological sense, however, there is limited research examining this relationship (Bussema, 1999). The current study was designed to better understand the relationship between faith and identity among college students. The current study was designed to better understand the relationship between faith and identity among college students.
Identity Domains of Life Domains of Life Politics Politics Religion Religion Philosophy Philosophy Occupation Occupation Morality Morality Sexuality Sexuality Relationships Relationships Purpose Purpose Dimensions Exploration Commitment
Identity The extent of an individual’s exploration of, and commitment to, particular beliefs, roles, and ideologies within the domains of politics, religion, philosophy, occupation, morality, sexuality, relationships, and purpose. The extent of an individual’s exploration of, and commitment to, particular beliefs, roles, and ideologies within the domains of politics, religion, philosophy, occupation, morality, sexuality, relationships, and purpose.
Faith Faith Attitudes Faith Attitudes Importance of faith Importance of faith Strength of belief Strength of belief Life application of faith Life application of faith Understanding of calling Understanding of calling Faith Behaviors Public religious activity Private religious activity Experience of spiritual feelings.
Method Participants: 189 first-year students. Participants: 189 first-year students. Measures Measures two measures of identity two measures of identity two measures of faith two measures of faith
Measures Identity Identity Faith Faith Objective Measure of Ego-Identity Status Self-Perceptions of Identity Strength Survey Faith Attitudes Survey Faith Behavior Survey
Objective Measure of Ego- Identity Status Identity Status ExplorationCommitment DiffusionNoNo ForeclosureNoYes MoratoriumYesNo AchievementYesYes
OMEIS Sample Items Identity Status Sample Item Diffusion I don’t give religion much thought and it doesn’t bother me one way or the other. Foreclosure My parents’ views on life are good enough for me, I don’t need anything else. Moratorium There are so many different political parties and ideals. I can’t decide which to follow until I figure it all out. Achievement It took me a long time to decide but now I know for sure what direction to move in for a career.
Self-Perceptions of Identity Strength Survey Overall identity scores based on contemplation of, and confidence in: career, religion, morality, politics, sexuality, relationships, and purpose. Overall identity scores based on contemplation of, and confidence in: career, religion, morality, politics, sexuality, relationships, and purpose. Sample items Sample items I am confident in knowing what I should major in at Pepperdine. I am confident in knowing what I should major in at Pepperdine. My parents have taught me to have a good sense of right and wrong My parents have taught me to have a good sense of right and wrong I have thought a lot about my political beliefs. I have thought a lot about my political beliefs. I am not completely comfortable with my sexuality. I am not completely comfortable with my sexuality. I have a well-developed understanding of what my gifts and talents are. I have a well-developed understanding of what my gifts and talents are.
Faith Attitudes Survey Subscales Sample Items Strength of Belief I view myself as a religious person. I view myself as a religious person. I have doubts about whether my religious beliefs are true. I have doubts about whether my religious beliefs are true. Importance of Faith Religion is not a very important part of my life right now. Religion is not a very important part of my life right now. My faith is not very important to me. My faith is not very important to me. Life Application of Faith I depend on my faith in God for decision- making and direction. I depend on my faith in God for decision- making and direction. I try hard to carry my religious beliefs into all other dealings in my life. I try hard to carry my religious beliefs into all other dealings in my life. Understanding of Calling I spend a lot of time contemplating God’s will for my life. I spend a lot of time contemplating God’s will for my life. I am unsure about what God is specifically calling me to do. I am unsure about what God is specifically calling me to do.
Faith Behavior Survey Subscales Sample Items Public Religious Activity How often do you attend religious services? How often do you attend religious services? How often do you take part in the activities and organizations of a church or place of worship other than attending services? How often do you take part in the activities and organizations of a church or place of worship other than attending services? Private Religious Activity How often have you read the Bible in the last year? How often have you read the Bible in the last year? Within your religious or spiritual tradition, how often do you meditate? Within your religious or spiritual tradition, how often do you meditate? Experience of Spiritual Feelings I find strength and comfort in my religion or faith. I find strength and comfort in my religion or faith. I feel God’s love for me, directly or through others. I feel God’s love for me, directly or through others.
Self-Perceived Identity Strength and Faith Identity Strength Faith Attitudes and Behaviors
Comparison Between Identity Status and Faith For faith attitudes: For faith attitudes: Diffusion < Foreclosure, Moratorium, Achievement Diffusion < Foreclosure, Moratorium, Achievement For faith behaviors: For faith behaviors: Diffusion < Moratorium, Achievement Diffusion < Moratorium, Achievement For faith attitudes and behaviors: For faith attitudes and behaviors: Achievement = Moratorium, Foreclosure Achievement = Moratorium, Foreclosure
Comparison Between Identity Status Scores and Faith Diffusion Moratorium Faith Attitudes and Behavior
Comparison Between Identity Status Scores and Faith Faith Attitudes and Behavior Commitment to Ideologies
Identity Status Scores and Faith Foreclosure & Achievement Scores Faith Attitudes & Behaviors
Summary of Findings Self-Perceptions of Identity Strength Survey Self-Perceptions of Identity Strength Survey High identity is related to high faith High identity is related to high faith Objective Measure of Ego-Identity Status Objective Measure of Ego-Identity Status Low identity (diffusion status) is related to low faith Low identity (diffusion status) is related to low faith Lack of ideological commitments (diffusion and moratorium scores) is related to low faith Lack of ideological commitments (diffusion and moratorium scores) is related to low faith High identity (achievement status) is unrelated to faith High identity (achievement status) is unrelated to faith Presence of ideological commitments (foreclosure and achievement scores) is unrelated to faith Presence of ideological commitments (foreclosure and achievement scores) is unrelated to faith
Necessary-But-Not- Sufficient Theory Not having a strong sense of identity is an impediment to faith formation. Not having a strong sense of identity is an impediment to faith formation. Having a strong sense of identity does not impact faith in either direction. Having a strong sense of identity does not impact faith in either direction. Summary: Individuals must be at a mature stage of identity development in order to develop mature faith, but identity development itself is not the cause of higher levels of faith maturity. Summary: Individuals must be at a mature stage of identity development in order to develop mature faith, but identity development itself is not the cause of higher levels of faith maturity.
Implications In order to make it possible for students to mature in their faith, students must be encouraged to move beyond the immature stages of identity. In order to make it possible for students to mature in their faith, students must be encouraged to move beyond the immature stages of identity. In order to encourage a growth in faith attitudes and behaviors, one must move beyond a focus on identity and find practical ways of fostering spiritual development directly. In order to encourage a growth in faith attitudes and behaviors, one must move beyond a focus on identity and find practical ways of fostering spiritual development directly.
Encouraging a Shift away from Immature Identity (Parks, 2000) Network of belonging Network of belonging Support and challenge in successes and failures Support and challenge in successes and failures Atmosphere of inquiry Atmosphere of inquiry Genuine dialogue, contemplation, awareness, and critical thought Genuine dialogue, contemplation, awareness, and critical thought Images of truth, transformation and interrelatedness Images of truth, transformation and interrelatedness Encouragement to aspire to new possibilities. Encouragement to aspire to new possibilities.
Ways Faculty and Staff can Encourage Faith Maturity (Love & Talbot, 1999) Recognize the importance of faith Recognize the importance of faith Gain understanding of personal spiritual development Gain understanding of personal spiritual development Open attitude towards issues of faith among students Open attitude towards issues of faith among students Education and training regarding faith development Education and training regarding faith development Recognition for the spiritual underpinnings of emotional crises Recognition for the spiritual underpinnings of emotional crises
A Life Dedicated to Service: Faith and Commitment to Service in College Students Emily Andrews Marisa Sessions
Creating Lives of Purpose Pepperdine affirms that, “knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service” Pepperdine affirms that, “knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service” The college years represent a formative period that determines an individual’s attitudes and behaviors toward service The college years represent a formative period that determines an individual’s attitudes and behaviors toward service
Characteristics of College Students’ Service Activity 46% of students participated in some form of community service while in college 46% of students participated in some form of community service while in college 20% of students reported they served 1 to 5 community service hours per week 20% of students reported they served 1 to 5 community service hours per week 28% of students were involved in service activities that lasted more than 12 months 28% of students were involved in service activities that lasted more than 12 months College students most often direct their service toward education, human needs, and environmental groups College students most often direct their service toward education, human needs, and environmental groups
Areas of Change Resulting from Service Work Values Values Students’ commitment to social activism and promoting racial understanding are significantly increased Students’ commitment to social activism and promoting racial understanding are significantly increased Students who participate in service are more likely to feel they are empowered to bring about changes in society Students who participate in service are more likely to feel they are empowered to bring about changes in society Behaviors Behaviors Time spent in volunteer work during the college years can have a significant effect on time spent volunteering after college Time spent in volunteer work during the college years can have a significant effect on time spent volunteering after college Students’ decisions to pursue careers in service fields are influenced by service experiences in college Students’ decisions to pursue careers in service fields are influenced by service experiences in college
Personal Characteristics Associated with Service Involvement Personality Trait of Agreeableness Personality Trait of Agreeableness Commitment to an Adult Identity Commitment to an Adult Identity Self-Awareness and Stability in Self- Identity Self-Awareness and Stability in Self- Identity
How a Commitment to Service Develops How a Commitment to Service Develops Initial commitment Initial commitment Feeling marginalized as a child Feeling marginalized as a child Death of a loved one Death of a loved one Living with a troubled family member Living with a troubled family member Sustained commitment Sustained commitment Mentor Mentor Relationship with those in need Relationship with those in need Faith Faith
Relationship between Gender and Service Female students more likely to volunteer than males Female students more likely to volunteer than males Males and females differ in volunteer styles and types of programs for which they volunteer Males and females differ in volunteer styles and types of programs for which they volunteer
Relationship between Faith and Service Faith development accounts for much of the variability among young adults’ commitment to service Faith development accounts for much of the variability among young adults’ commitment to service The faith of young adults committed to service is defined as “organized religion,” as well as, “a personal philosophy that emphasizes service” The faith of young adults committed to service is defined as “organized religion,” as well as, “a personal philosophy that emphasizes service”
Relationship between Vocation and Service The concept of vocation is an important aspect of faith in the context of service The concept of vocation is an important aspect of faith in the context of service The Christian perspective defines vocation as “cooperation” in the Lord’s work The Christian perspective defines vocation as “cooperation” in the Lord’s work Common to all forms of Christian vocation is the charge to love and serve others Common to all forms of Christian vocation is the charge to love and serve others
Limitations of Past Research Lacks systematic definition of faith or method of examining faith Lacks systematic definition of faith or method of examining faith Does not expand on students’ attitudes concerning what constitutes a commitment to service work Does not expand on students’ attitudes concerning what constitutes a commitment to service work
Present Study Examined the nature of college students’ commitment to service as part of their life purpose Examined the nature of college students’ commitment to service as part of their life purpose Students’ conceptions of a “life dedicated to service” Students’ conceptions of a “life dedicated to service” The relationship between faith attitudes and behaviors and commitment to service The relationship between faith attitudes and behaviors and commitment to service The role of gender in service commitment The role of gender in service commitment
Method Measures Measures Interview – 91 Participants Interview – 91 Participants Service Commitment Dimensions Rubric Service Commitment Dimensions Rubric Service Commitment Levels Service Commitment Levels Web Survey – 65 Participants Web Survey – 65 Participants Faith Attitude Scale Faith Attitude Scale Faith Behavior Scale Faith Behavior Scale
Vocation Interview Question We often hear about people who “dedicate their lives to service.” What would a life dedicated to service look like to you? Do you see yourself incorporating service to others in your future vocation?
Service Commitment Dimensions SpecificityHow specific are one’s plans for service? SacrificeWhat is a person willing to give and how much of what they have are they willing to give? Ideal/Actual Discrepancy How close is one’s example of a life dedicated to service to one’s intended service? MotivationWhat inspires someone to serve? Whom should the service benefit? IntentionalityTo what degree does one seek out service?
Faith Attitude Scale SubscaleExample Question Strength of religious belief Most of the time I feel close to God I have doubts about whether my religious beliefs are true Life application of faith I depend on my faith in God for decision-making and direction God’s callingI spend a lot of time contemplating God’s will for my life I have a good sense about God’s purpose for my life Importance of faithMy faith is not very important to me
Faith Behavior Scale Public activity How often do you take part in the activities and organizations of a church or place of worship other than attending services? Private activity How often have you read the Bible in the last year? Thinking about the present, about how often do you pray? FeelingI feel God’s love for me, directly or through others
Results Service Commitment Dimensions Service Commitment Dimensions Service Commitment Levels Service Commitment Levels Relationship between Service Commitment Level and Faith Attitudes and Behaviors Relationship between Service Commitment Level and Faith Attitudes and Behaviors Service Commitment and Ethnicity Service Commitment and Ethnicity Service Commitment and Gender Service Commitment and Gender
Interview Rating Rules Each interview rated by two researchers Each interview rated by two researchers Higher dimension score used when researcher scores disagreed Higher dimension score used when researcher scores disagreed Highest dimension score across all five dimensions used to assign each student to a Service Commitment Level Highest dimension score across all five dimensions used to assign each student to a Service Commitment Level
Percentage of Students’ Scores for each Service Dimension Specificity Sacrifice Ideal/Actual Discrepancy Motivation Intentionality
Percentage of Students in Service Commitment Levels Level One0 Level Two2.2 Level Three33.0 Level Four48.4 Level Five16.5
Example of Service Commitment at Level Five My grandma “dedicated her life to taking care of others, and to her faith… she’d always be caring and take the time to stop and listen…she’s always served them on a daily basis.” Vocation “definitely is more than your job… we always fed people at the homeless shelter every Sunday… As a physician I see myself serving others everyday… through offering myself to them as a person, as a friend.”
Example of Service Commitment at Level Two To me a life dedicated to service means that the “whole life wouldn’t have to be constantly serving people… just more like the sharing of ideas and more people coming together… to benefit a group of people… doesn’t have to be something really gigantic.” “In terms of my skills… I know [service] is something I want to do… my life wouldn’t really have meaning unless I did something to help other people benefit… I’m not really sure which way it will be right now...”
Service Commitment Level and Faith Attitude Subscales *
Service Commitment Level and Faith Behavior Subscales
Other Related Factors: Ethnicity
Other Related Factors: Gender
Correlations between Faith Scores and Service Dimensions - Males Dimensions SpecificitySacrificeIdeal/Actual Discrepancy MotivationIntentionality Faith Scores Faith Attitudes Strength of belief Life application of faith Understanding of calling Importance of faith Faith Behaviors ** Public religious activity * Private religious activity *.591** Spiritual feelings *
Correlations between Faith Scores and Service Dimensions - Females Dimensions SpecificitySacrificeIdeal/Actual Discrepancy MotivationIntentionality Faith Scores Faith Attitudes **.432** Strength of belief *.356* Life application of faith Understanding of calling **.431** Importance of faith Faith Behaviors **.463** Public religious activity *.340* Private religious activity * Spiritual feelings **.443**
Conclusions Stronger commitment to service is associated with stronger faith attitudes and more frequent faith behaviors Stronger commitment to service is associated with stronger faith attitudes and more frequent faith behaviors Personal sense of calling Personal sense of calling Public and private faith activities Public and private faith activities Service commitment is related to ethnicity as well as gender Service commitment is related to ethnicity as well as gender Non-Caucasian students show a stronger commitment to service Non-Caucasian students show a stronger commitment to service Females show a stronger commitment to service Females show a stronger commitment to service
Conclusions For males, service commitment was associated with faith behaviors only For males, service commitment was associated with faith behaviors only For females, service commitment was associated with both faith behaviors and faith attitudes For females, service commitment was associated with both faith behaviors and faith attitudes Service commitment dimensions most related to faith Service commitment dimensions most related to faith sacrifice (females) sacrifice (females) ideal/actual discrepancy (both males and females) ideal/actual discrepancy (both males and females) Service, as an important component of vocation, should be discussed in the context of faith development in order to help students in discerning their vocational callings Service, as an important component of vocation, should be discussed in the context of faith development in order to help students in discerning their vocational callings